Positive integers c for which there is a primitive (3/2)-Pythagorean triple (a,b,c) satisfying a<=b.

%I #5 Mar 30 2012 18:57:48

%S 22,16,71,148,86,29,253,46,44,386,212,67,547,92,736,394,121,113,107,

%T 74,632,191,232,277,253,158,326,379,317,212,436,449,151,274,562,464,

%U 631,344,704,298,781,179,701,422,862,256,508,842,508,389,704,218

%N Positive integers c for which there is a primitive (3/2)-Pythagorean triple (a,b,c) satisfying a<=b.

%C See A195770 for definitions of k-Pythagorean triple, primitive k-Pythagorean triple, and lists of related sequences.

%t (See A195925.)

%Y Cf. A195770, A195925.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Sep 26 2011