First differences of A169707.

%I #23 Jan 21 2016 17:43:49

%S 1,4,4,12,4,12,20,28,4,12,20,28,20,44,68,60,4,12,20,28,20,44,68,60,20,

%T 44,68,76,84,156,196,124,4,12,20,28,20,44,68,60,20,44,68,76,84,156,

%U 196,124,20,44,68,76,84,156,196,140,84,156,212,236,324,508,516,252,4,12,20,28,20

%N First differences of A169707.

%H David Applegate, <a href="/A139250/a139250.anim.html">The movie version</a>

%H N. J. A. Sloane, <a href="/wiki/Catalog_of_Toothpick_and_CA_Sequences_in_OEIS">Catalog of Toothpick and Cellular Automata Sequences in the OEIS</a>

%H <a href="/index/Ce#cell">Index entries for sequences related to cellular automata</a>

%F It appears that a(n) = 4*A160552(n), n >= 1. - _Omar E. Pol_, Feb 13 2015

%e From _Omar E. Pol_, Feb 13 2015: (Start)

%e Written as an irregular triangle in which row lengths are 1,1,2,4,8,16,32,... the sequence begins:

%e 1;

%e 4;

%e 4,12;

%e 4,12,20,28;

%e 4,12,20,28,20,44,68,60;

%e 4,12,20,28,20,44,68,60,20,44,68,76,84,156,196,124;

%e 4,12,20,28,20,44,68,60,20,44,68,76,84,156,196,124,20,44,68,76,84,156,196,140,84,156,212,236,324,508,516,252;

%e It appears that the row sums give A000302.

%e It appears that the right border gives A173033.

%e (End)

%Y Cf. A000302, A011782, A139251, A151548, A152980, A153006, A160164, A160552, A169707 (partial sums), A170903, A173033, A253088.

%K nonn,tabf

%O 0,2

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Apr 17 2010

%E Initial 1 added by _Omar E. Pol_, Feb 13 2015