a(n) = n-th composite positive integer from among those composites which are coprime to the n-th composite.

%I #10 Nov 26 2024 19:35:08

%S 9,35,21,14,39,77,45,32,45,115,77,40,65,133,32,77,46,95,289,85,62,95,

%T 54,205,111,74,153,319,129,104,125,253,57,187,92,153,289,81,185,104,

%U 159,511,165,128,165,93,413,189,122,333,365,195,169,207,102,469,291,134,215

%N a(n) = n-th composite positive integer from among those composites which are coprime to the n-th composite.

%e 8 is the 3rd composite. 9,15,21,25,... is the sequence of composites which are coprime to 8. 21 is the 3rd term of these composites, so a(3) = 21.

%o (PARI) {m=59;c=1;for(n=1,m,c++;while(isprime(c),c++);e=4;k=n;while(k>0,d=e;if(gcd(d,c)==1,k--);e=d+1;while(isprime(e),e++));print1(d,","))} \\ Klaus Brockhaus, Aug 15 2006

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Leroy Quet_, Aug 04 2006

%E More terms from _Klaus Brockhaus_, Aug 15 2006