Binary polynomials p(x) that are fixed points of the map p(x) -> p(x+1), evaluated as polynomials over Z at x=2.

%I #26 Jan 06 2025 22:36:21

%S 0,1,6,7,18,19,20,21,106,107,108,109,120,121,126,127,258,259,260,261,

%T 272,273,278,279,360,361,366,367,378,379,380,381,1546,1547,1548,1549,

%U 1560,1561,1566,1567,1632,1633,1638,1639,1650,1651,1652,1653,1800,1801

%N Binary polynomials p(x) that are fixed points of the map p(x) -> p(x+1), evaluated as polynomials over Z at x=2.

%C If p(x) is a fixed point then P(x):=(x+x^2)*p(x) and P(x)+1 are also fixed points.

%H Joerg Arndt, <a href="http://www.jjj.de/fxt/#fxtbook">Matters Computational (The Fxtbook)</a>, section 1.19.3 "Fixed points of the blue code", p.52-54

%H <a href="/index/Ge#GF2X">Index entries for sequences operating on (or containing) GF(2)[X]-polynomials</a>

%e a(4)=18 corresponds to the polynomial p(x)=x^4+x (18 is 10010 in binary).

%e p(x+1) = (x+1)^4 + (x+1) = x^4 + 4*x^3 + 6*x^2 + 5*x + 2 = x^4+x = p(x);

%o (C++) /* Returns a unique fixed point for each argument: */

%o ulong A(ulong s)

%o {

%o if ( 0==s ) return 0;

%o ulong f = 1;

%o while ( s>1 ) { f ^= (f<<1); f <<= 1; f |= (s&1); s >>= 1; }

%o return f;

%o }

%o /* the elements are not produced in increasing order, but as follows:

%o 0 1 6 7 20 18 21 19 120 108 126 106 121 109 127 107 272 360 ... */

%Y Cf. A193231 (the map p(x) -> p(x+1)).

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A _Joerg Arndt_, May 19 2006, May 20 2006