Seven-segment LED clock sequence: starting at 00:00 midnight, sequence gives total number of illuminated segments every minute that appear in the hour and minute characters of the LED display on a digital clock.

%I #4 Feb 16 2013 03:22:52

%S 19,15,18,18,17,18,19,16,20,19,15,11,14,14,13,14,15,12,16,15,18,14,17,

%T 17,16,17,18,15,19,18,18,14,17,17,16,17,18,15,19,18,17,13,16,16,15,16,

%U 17,14,18,17,18,14,17,17,16,17,18,15,19,18,14,10,13,13,12,13,14,11,15

%N Seven-segment LED clock sequence: starting at 00:00 midnight, sequence gives total number of illuminated segments every minute that appear in the hour and minute characters of the LED display on a digital clock.

%K easy,nonn,base

%O 0,1

%A Fred Schwab (fschwab(AT)nrao.edu), Nov 12 2004