a(n) = (p^2*(p+1)*(p+2))/6 where p is n-th prime.

%I #5 Nov 11 2017 15:15:14

%S 8,30,175,588,3146,5915,16473,25270,52900,130355,169136,338143,505981,

%T 610170,865928,1390455,2123410,2422371,3510398,4415916,4929325,

%U 6740280,8197910,10812165,15214353,17861951,19308380,22462938,24177835,27900265

%N a(n) = (p^2*(p+1)*(p+2))/6 where p is n-th prime.

%D Related to "A pyramid of rectangles", Carmelo DiStefano, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, vol. 30, p. 69

%D Solution to a problem posted by Carmelo DiStefano (see above): Kee-Wai Lau, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, vol. 31, pp. 79-80 (2002-2003)

%e (2^2 * (2+1) * (2+2))/6 = 8

%e (3^2 * (3+1) * (3+2))/6 = 30

%t Table[(p^2 (p+1)(p+2))/6,{p,Prime[Range[40]]}] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Nov 11 2017 *)

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Parthasarathy Nambi_, Sep 30 2004

%E More terms from _Sam Alexander_, Jan 06 2005