Irregular primes the indices of whose indices are irregular primes of order two.

%I #4 Oct 01 2013 17:57:58

%S 12923,19577,26021,41203,41953,53437,65309,68399,117511,134731,137713,

%T 142327,149861,155821,164701,167887,192347,197647,216901,224911,

%U 231323,236063,246049,250031,268999,271723,273787,289543,317959,331519,338141

%N Irregular primes the indices of whose indices are irregular primes of order two.

%C The number of primes in this sequence is infinite.

%e 37 is the first irregular prime, 613 is the 37th irregular prime, i.e. iprime[iprime[1]] = 613 and 12923 is the 613th irregular prime.

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Cino Hilliard_, Feb 12 2004