3-digit numbers that do not resolve to 495 under the Kaprekar routine.

%I #12 Aug 13 2015 21:35:04

%S 100,101,110,111,112,121,122,211,212,221,222,223,232,233,322,323,332,

%T 333,334,343,344,433,434,443,444,445,454,455,544,545,554,555,556,565,

%U 566,655,656,665,666,667,676,677,766,767,776,777,778,787,788,877,878

%N 3-digit numbers that do not resolve to 495 under the Kaprekar routine.

%H Joseph Myers, <a href="/A090429/b090429.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n=1..60</a> (the full list)

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/KaprekarRoutine.html">Kaprekar Routine</a>

%H <a href="/index/K#Kaprekar_map">Index entries for the Kaprekar map</a>

%Y Cf. A069746.

%K nonn,base,fini,full

%O 1,1

%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, Nov 30 2003