%I #9 Dec 15 2017 17:36:26
%S 1,8,117,508,32260,229884,19257287
%N Smallest multiple of n such that a(n) + a(n-1) is an n-th power.
%C a(8) does not exist because no 8th power is congruent to a(7)=19257287 (mod 8).
%e 1, 1+8, 8+117, 117+508 give 1,9,125,625... which are 1,3^2,5^3,5^4,...
%K fini,full,nonn
%O 1,2
%A Amarnath Murthy, _Jason Earls_, Jul 18 2003
%E Edited by _Dean Hickerson_, Jul 20 2003