Number of isomorphism classes of associative commutative non-anti-associative non-anti-commutative closed binary operations on a set of order n.

%I #6 Jul 10 2011 18:22:18

%S 0,3,12,58

%N Number of isomorphism classes of associative commutative non-anti-associative non-anti-commutative closed binary operations on a set of order n.

%C A079231(n)+A079233(n)+A079235(n)+A079237(n)+A079196(n)+A079241(n)+A079243(n)+A079245(n)+A063524(n)=A002489(n)

%C Each a(n) is equal to the sum of the elements in row n of A079209.

%H <a href="/index/Se#semigroups">Index entries for sequences related to semigroups</a>

%Y Cf. A079209, A079244, A079231, A079233, A079235, A079237, A079196, A079241, A079243, A063524.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A Christian van den Bosch (cjb(AT)cjb.ie), Jan 03 2003