Interprimes which are of the form s*prime, s=18.

%I #6 Mar 30 2012 17:26:03

%S 198,342,414,522,846,1062,1278,1854,1962,2034,2826,3006,3114,3258,

%T 3582,4338,4518,5706,6282,6714,7758,8226,8838,9054,11538,13374,13518,

%U 14166,14562,15354,15534,16326,17838,18918,19962,20718,20934,21078,21258

%N Interprimes which are of the form s*prime, s=18.

%C Interprimes of the form s*prime are in A075277-A075296 ( s = 2 - 21 ). Case s=1 is impossible.

%e 414 is an interprime and 414/18 = 23 is prime.

%t s=18; Select[Table[(Prime[n+1]+Prime[n])/2, {n, 2, 4000}], PrimeQ[ #/s]&]

%Y Cf. A075277-A075296.

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Zak Seidov_, Sep 12 2002