Square root of n contains n as a string of digits to the immediate right of the decimal point (excluding leading zeros).

%I #24 Mar 14 2015 18:41:40

%S 8,77,5711,9797,77327,997997,8053139,60755907,62996069,99979997,

%T 9999799997,71515443427,76933604839,93445113269,999997999997

%N Square root of n contains n as a string of digits to the immediate right of the decimal point (excluding leading zeros).

%C All numbers of the form (10^n-3)*(10^n+1), n > 0, are members. - _Robert G. Wilson v_, Aug 02 2004

%H Robert Tanniru, <a href="/A074841/a074841.txt">PARI Code</a>

%e The square root of 77327 = 278.077327...

%t f[n_] := Block[{l = Floor[ Log[10, n] + 1], rd = RealDigits[ Sqrt[n], 10, 24], id = IntegerDigits[n]}, rdd = Drop[ rd[[1]], rd[[2]]]; While[ rdd[[1]] == 0, rdd = Drop[rdd, 1]]; Take[rdd, l] == id]; Do[ If[ StringPosition[ ToString[ N[ Sqrt[n], 24]], ToString[n]] != {}, If[ f[n], Print[n]]], {n, 2, 6 10^8}] (* _Robert G. Wilson v_, Aug 02 2004 *)

%o (PARI)

%o /* Uses PARI functions provided in link

%o * Sample run uses a = [0,12], b=10, p=2, direct=True */

%o GetAllGIs(0,12,10,2,1) \\ _Robert Tanniru_, Nov 20 2013

%Y Cf. A232086, A232110, A074762.

%K nonn,base,hard

%O 1,1

%A _Paul Lusch_, Sep 09 2002

%E More terms from _Robert G. Wilson v_, Aug 02 2004

%E New term a(13) inserted by _Robert Tanniru_, Nov 20 2013