Least k such that there are n primes among the numbers n^2 + x^2 for 1 <= x <= k.

%I #9 Jun 13 2021 09:01:29

%S 1,3,10,11,16,29,38,35,64,29,54,107,58,69,92,85,82,163,124,81,190,155,

%T 142,241,116,139,338,213,176,221,214,223,520,211,184,361,278,267,400,

%U 179,294,607,288,335,362,379,342,587,394,261

%N Least k such that there are n primes among the numbers n^2 + x^2 for 1 <= x <= k.

%o (PARI) a(n)=if(n<0,0,s=1; while(sum(k=1,s,isprime(k^2+n^2))<n,s++); s)

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Benoit Cloitre_, Aug 19 2002