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Path of a knight's tour on an infinite chessboard.
1, 10, 3, 16, 19, 22, 9, 12, 15, 18, 7, 24, 11, 14, 5, 20, 23, 2, 13, 4, 17, 6, 21, 8, 25, 50, 27, 54, 31, 60, 35, 64, 67, 40, 71, 74, 45, 78, 49, 52, 29, 56, 59, 34, 63, 66, 39, 70, 43, 76, 47, 80, 51, 28, 55, 58, 33, 62, 37, 68
One of eight possible knight's tours. Squares are numbered in a clockwise spiral. Enumerates all positive integers.
A description of the method to construct the tour is provided in A306659. - Hugo Pfoertner, May 11 2019
(PARI) \\Ellermann's clockwise square spiral, first step (0, 0) -> (0, 1)
y=vector(10000); L=0; d=1; n=0;
for(r=1, 100, d=-d; k=floor(r/2)*d; for(j=1, L++, y[n++]=k); forstep(j=k-d, -floor((r+1)/2)*d+d, -d, y[n++]=j));
x=vector(10100); L=1; d=-1; n=0;
for(r=1, 100, d=-d; k=floor(r/2)*d; for(j=1, L++, x[n++]=-k); forstep(j=k-d, -floor((r+1)/2)*d+d, -d, x[n++]=-j));
\\ Position in spiral
findpos(i, j)={my(size=(2*max(abs(i), abs(j))+1)^2); forstep(k=size, 1, -1, if(i==x[k]&&j==y[k], return(k)))};
atan2(y, x)=if(x>0, atan(y/x), if(x==0, if(y>0, Pi/2, -Pi/2), if(y>=0, atan(y/x)+Pi, atan(y/x)-Pi)));
angle(v, w)=atan2(v[1]*w[2]-v[2]*w[1], v[1]*w[1]+v[2]*w[2]);
move=[2, 1; 1, 2; -1, 2; -2, 1; -2, -1; -1, -2; 1, -2; 2, -1]; \\ 8 Knight moves
m=6; b=matrix(2*m+1, 2*m+1, i, j, 0); setb(pos)={b[pos[1]+m+1, pos[2]+m+1]=1};
getb(pos)=b[pos[1]+m+1, pos[2]+m+1];
inring(n, p)=!(abs(p[1])<n&&abs(p[2])<n)&&abs(p[1])<=n+1&&abs(p[2])<=n+1;
p=[0, 0]; setb(p); print1(findpos(p[1], p[2]), ", "); p+=move[3, ]; setb(p); forstep(n=1, m-3, 2, my(angmin, jmin, jlast); until(jmin==0, print1(findpos(p[1], p[2]), ", "); angmin=-2*Pi; jmin=0; for(j=1, #move[, 1], my(ptry=p+move[j, ], adiff); if(inring(n, ptry), if(!getb(ptry), adiff=angle(p, ptry); if(adiff<=0, if(adiff>angmin, jmin=j; angmin=adiff; jlast=j))))); if(jmin>0, p+=move[jmin, ]; setb(p); ); ); p+=move[jlast, ]; setb(p)); \\ Hugo Pfoertner, May 11 2019
Hans Secelle and Albrecht Heeffer (albrecht.heeffer(AT)pandora.be), Mar 09 2002