Numbers n such that n and prime(n) end with the same two digits.

%I #17 Aug 29 2023 20:12:00

%S 243,519,589,703,741,823,901,959,973,1033,1081,1197,1223,1443,1477,

%T 1491,1541,1723,1751,1811,1859,2027,2059,2121,2439,2451,2461,2561,

%U 2747,2833,2877,3079,3223,3291,3389,3461,3659,3683,3991,4119,4141,4171,4359

%N Numbers n such that n and prime(n) end with the same two digits.

%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A067838/b067838.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%e prime(243) = 1543 hence 243 is in the sequence.

%t Select[Range[5000],Mod[#,100]==Mod[Prime[#],100]&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 29 2023 *)

%o (PARI) isok(n) = (n % 100) == (prime(n) % 100); \\ _Michel Marcus_, Nov 18 2013

%Y Cf. A067790.

%K easy,nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Benoit Cloitre_, Mar 07 2002