%I #11 Jul 05 2023 03:00:48
%S -1,-3,-4,-8,-7,-9,-10,-18,-13,-11,-8,-12,-7,-9,-10,-26,-13,-3,8,12,
%T 25,31,38,30,47,57,68,64,77,75,74,42,71,97,124,144,173,195,218,226,
%U 259,285,312,324,353,367,382,366,407,441,476,496,533,555,578,570,611,637,664,660,689,687,686,622,683,741,800,852,913,967
%N Partial sums of A064405.
%C Previous name was: The accumulation of the number of even entries (A048967) over the number of odd entries (A001316) in row n of Pascal's triangle (A007318).
%D Tony Colledge, "Pascal's Triangle, A teacher's guide with blackline masters," Tarquin Publications, Norfolk, England, Second Edition, 1997, page 9.
%t a[ n_ ] := n + 1 - 2*Sum[ Mod[ Binomial[ n, k ], 2 ], {k, 0, n} ];
%t Table[ Sum[ a[ k ], {k, 0, n} ], {n, 0, 100} ]
%Y Partial sums of A064405.
%K easy,sign
%O 0,2
%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Sep 29 2001
%E New name from _Sean A. Irvine_, Jul 05 2023