
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number of 6-valent trees with n nodes.
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, 45, 101, 223, 520, 1223, 2954, 7208, 17905, 44863, 113738, 290605, 748711, 1941592, 5067433, 13297590, 35074788, 92939166, 247317085, 660681399, 1771321949, 4764829720, 12857155911, 34793296227, 94410222996, 256826514689, 700311754812, 1913868186951
R. Otter, The number of trees, Ann. of Math. (2) 49 (1948), 583-599 discusses asymptotics.
E. M. Rains and N. J. A. Sloane, On Cayley's Enumeration of Alkanes (or 4-Valent Trees)., J. Integer Sequences, Vol. 2 (1999), Article 99.1.1.
a(n) = A036651(n) + A036652(n) for n > 0.
G.f.: B(x) - cycle_index(S2,-B(x)) + x * cycle_index(S6,B(x)) = B(x) - (B(x)^2 - B(x^2)) / 2 + x * (B(x)^6 + 15*B(x)^4*B(x^2) + 45*B(x)^2*B(x^2)^2 + 15*B(x^2)^3 + 40*B(x)^3*B(x^3) + 120*B(x)*B(x^2)*B(x^3) + 40*B(x^3)^2 + 90*B(x)^2*B(x^4) + 90*B(x^2)*B(x^4) + 144*B(x)*B(x^5) + 120*B(x^6)) / 720, where B(x) = 1 + x * cycle_index(S5,B(x)) = 1 + x * (B(x)^5 + 10*B(x)^3*B(x^2) + 15*B(x)*B(x^2)^2 + 20*B(x)^2*B(x^3) + 20*B(x^2)*B(x^3) + 30*B(x)*B(x^4) + 24*B(x^5)) / 120 is the generating function for A036721. - Robert A. Russell, Jan 19 2023
n = 20; (* algorithm from Rains and Sloane *)
S5[f_, h_, x_] := f[h, x]^5/120 + f[h, x]^3 f[h, x^2]/12 + f[h, x]^2 f[h, x^3]/6 + f[h, x] f[h, x^2]^2/8 + f[h, x] f[h, x^4]/4 + f[h, x^2] f[h, x^3]/6 + f[h, x^5]/5;
S6[f_, h_, x_] := f[h, x]^6/720 + f[h, x]^4 f[h, x^2]/48 + f[h, x]^3 f[h, x^3]/18 + f[h, x]^2 f[h, x^2]^2/16 + f[h, x]^2 f[h, x^4]/8 + f[h, x] f[h, x^2] f[h, x^3]/6 + f[h, x] f[h, x^5]/5 + f[h, x^2]^3/48 + f[h, x^2] f[h, x^4]/8 + f[h, x^3]^2/18 + f[h, x^6]/6;
T[-1, z_] := 1; T[h_, z_] := T[h, z] = Table[z^k, {k, 0, n}].Take[CoefficientList[z^(n+1) + 1 + S5[T, h-1, z]z, z], n+1];
Sum[Take[CoefficientList[z^(n+1) + S6[T, h-1, z]z - S6[T, h-2, z]z - (T[h-1, z] - T[h-2, z]) (T[h-1, z]-1), z], n+1], {h, 1, n/2}] + PadRight[{0, 1}, n+1] + Sum[Take[CoefficientList[z^(n+1) + (T[h, z] - T[h-1, z])^2/2 + (T[h, z^2] - T[h-1, z^2])/2, z], n+1], {h, 0, n/2}] (* Robert A. Russell, Sep 15 2018 *)
b[n_, i_, t_, k_] := b[n, i, t, k] = If[i<1, 0, Sum[Binomial[b[i-1, i-1,
k, k] + j-1, j]* b[n-i*j, i-1, t-j, k], {j, 0, Min[t, n/i]}]];
b[0, i_, t_, k_] = 1; m = 5; (* m = maximum children *) n = 40;
gf[x_] = 1 + Sum[b[j-1, j-1, m, m]x^j, {j, 1, n}]; (* G.f. for A036721 *)
ci[x_] = SymmetricGroupIndex[m+1, x] /. x[i_] -> gf[x^i];
CoefficientList[Normal[Series[gf[x] - (gf[x]^2 - gf[x^2])/2 + x ci[x],
{x, 0, n}]], x] (* Robert A. Russell, Jan 19 2023 *)
Column k=6 of A144528; A036721 (rooted trees).
Sequence in context: A274936 A244521 A096202 * A318031 A316500 A123769
a(0) changed to 1 and terms a(32) and beyond from Andrew Howroyd, Dec 18 2020