%I #9 Sep 23 2021 11:45:32
%S 1,18,198,1098,10989,109888,1078999,10998988,109989999,1078999989,
%T 10999999989,108999999989,1098999999999,10899899999998,
%U 104999999999999,1018899999999999,10199998999999998,100999999999999988
%N a(n) = that n-digit number m which gives minimal integral value of m/(sum of digits of m); in case of a tie pick the smallest.
%H S. W. Golomb, <a href="https://www.itsoc.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/itNL0901.pdf">Sums and products of digits</a>, IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, 51 (No. 3, Sept. 2001), p. 15.
%Y Cf. A034726, A034728, A034686, A066007, A066008.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,2
%A _David W. Wilson_