%I #14 Aug 18 2021 00:10:32
%S 3161,6133,6449,10690,15497,22073,28114,35633,36389,37153,37538,38314,
%T 46157,47017,47885,54265,65554,66578,67093,68129,76801,77354,77909,
%U 79586,80149,80714,81281,82421,89533,105817,108425,109741,119297,120677
%N Numbers k such that the continued fraction for sqrt(k) has odd period and if the last term of the periodic part is deleted the two central terms are both 22.
%Y Subsequence of A003814.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _David W. Wilson_
%E First term 485 removed by _Georg Fischer_, Jun 16 2019