Product of first n palindromic primes minus 1.

%I #20 Dec 29 2018 15:36:02

%S 1,5,29,209,2309,233309,30563609,4615105109,835334024909,

%T 159548798757809,49938774011194529,17628387225951669089,

%U 6575388435279972570569,2518373770712229494528309

%N Product of first n palindromic primes minus 1.

%C The subsequence which are themselves primes begins: 5, 29, 2309, 4615105109, 2518373770712229494528309. - _Jonathan Vos Post_, Feb 09 2011

%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A030522/b030522.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..199</a>

%t palQ[n_]:=Module[{idn=IntegerDigits[n]},idn==Reverse[idn]]; #-1&/@Rest[ FoldList[ Times,1,Select[Prime[Range[200]],palQ]]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jun 21 2011 *)

%t FoldList[Times,Select[Prime[Range[100]],PalindromeQ]]-1 (* Requires Mathematica version 10 or later *) (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Dec 29 2018 *)

%Y Cf. A019515, A030521.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,2

%A _Felice Russo_

%E Corrected and extended by Larry Reeves (larryr(AT)acm.org), Sep 25 2000

%E Corrected by _D. S. McNeil_, Aug 20 2010