%I #17 Feb 10 2025 20:04:27
%S 0,1,2,3,4,8,12,16,19,32,39,64,76,128,144,226,241,256,271,311,452,467,
%T 478,482,576,715,904,964,1024,1748,1808,1868,2304,2652,2860,3376,3401,
%U 3616,3856,4639,6752,6992,7172,8649,10715,13504,13604
%N Numbers k such that k^2 is palindromic in base 15.
%H Seiichi Manyama, <a href="/A030073/b030073.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..100</a>
%H Patrick De Geest, <a href="https://www.worldofnumbers.com/nobase10pg2.htm">Palindromic Squares in bases 2 to 17</a>
%t p15Q[n_]:=Module[{id15=IntegerDigits[n^2,15]},id15==Reverse[id15]]; Select[ Range[0,14000],p15Q] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jun 03 2020 *)
%Y Numbers k such that k^2 is palindromic in base b: A003166 (b=2), A029984 (b=3), A029986 (b=4), A029988 (b=5), A029990 (b=6), A029992 (b=7), A029805 (b=8), A029994 (b=9), A002778 (b=10), A029996 (b=11), A029737 (b=12), A029998 (b=13), A030072 (b=14), this sequence (b=15), A029733 (b=16), A118651 (b=17).
%K base,nonn
%O 1,3
%A _Patrick De Geest_