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Euler Transform of A005226. Define b(n), c(n), d(n): b(1)=d(1)=0. b(k)=A005227(k), k>1. c(k)=a(k), k>0, d(k)=A005226(k), k>1. d is Dirichlet convolution of b and c. - Christian G. Bower, Feb 23 2006
(Magma) n := 5; #SubgroupLattice(Sym(n));
# GAP 4.2
a(11) corrected and a(12) added by Goetz Pfeiffer (goetz.pfeiffer(AT), Jan 21 2004
Extended to a(18) using Derek Holt's data from A000637. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jul 31 2010