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The {{arrow}} or {{-)}} typing-aid template returns either the HTML+CSS (default), the UTF-16 hex code, the LaTeX code or the name (description) for a given arrow type.





where type is among

and format is among (case insensitive)

  • h or htm (default);
  • x or hex;
  • t or tex;
  • n or name.


Special arrows
(see 3 rd column)
Rendered TeX
Arrows with tip
{{-)|utl}} 21B0, ↰
{{-)|utl|tex}} \Lsh , {{-)|utl|n}} up arrow with tip left
{{-)|utr}} 21B1, ↱
{{-)|utr|tex}} \Rsh , {{-)|utr|n}} up arrow with tip right
{{-)|cr}} 21B5, ↵
{{-)|cr|tex}} {\color{red} ?} , {{-)|cr|n}} carriage return arrow
{{-)|dtl}} 21B5, ↵
{{-)|dtl|tex}} {\color{red} ?} , {{-)|dtl|n}} down arrow with tip left
{{-)|dtr}} 21B3, ↳
{{-)|dtr|tex}} {\color{red} ?} , {{-)|dtr|n}} down arrow with tip right
{{-)|Longmapsfrom}} 27FD, ⟽
{{-)|Longmapsfrom|tex}} {\Longleftarrow\!\shortmid} , {{-)|Longmapsfrom|n}} Long maps from
{{-)|longmapsfrom}} 27FB, ⟻
{{-)|longmapsfrom|tex}} {\longleftarrow\!\shortmid} , {{-)|longmapsfrom|n}} long maps from
{{-)|Mapsfrom}} 2906, ⤆
{{-)|Mapsfrom|tex}} {\Leftarrow\!\shortmid} , {{-)|Mapsfrom|n}} Maps from
{{-)|mapsfrom}} 21A4, ↤
{{-)|mapsfrom|tex}} {\leftarrow\!\shortmid} , {{-)|mapsfrom|n}} maps from
{{-)|gets}} 2190, ←
{{-)|gets|tex}} \gets , {{-)|gets|n}} gets
{{-)|leadsto}} 21DD, ⇝
{{-)|leadsto|tex}} \rightsquigarrow , {{-)|leadsto|n}} leads to
{{-)|multimap}} 22B8, ⊸
{{-)|multimap|tex}} \multimap , {{-)|multimap|n}} multimap
{{-)|to}} 2192, →
{{-)|to|tex}} \to , {{-)|to|n}} to
{{-)|mapsto}} 21A6, ↦
{{-)|mapsto|tex}} \mapsto , {{-)|mapsto|n}} maps to
{{-)|Mapsto}} 2907, ⤇
{{-)|Mapsto|tex}} {\shortmid\!\Rightarrow} , {{-)|Mapsto|n}} Maps to
{{-)|longmapsto}} 27FC, ⟼
{{-)|longmapsto|tex}} \longmapsto , {{-)|longmapsto|n}} long maps to
{{-)|Longmapsto}} 27FE, ⟾
{{-)|Longmapsto|tex}} {\shortmid\!\Longrightarrow} , {{-)|Longmapsto|n}} Long maps to
Single arrows
{{-)|l}} 2190, ←
{{-)|l|tex}} \leftarrow , {{-)|l|n}} left arrow
{{-)|u}} 2191, ↑
{{-)|u|tex}} \uparrow , {{-)|u|n}} up arrow
{{-)|r}} 2192, →
{{-)|r|tex}} \rightarrow , {{-)|r|n}} right arrow
{{-)|d}} 2193, ↓
{{-)|d|tex}} \downarrow , {{-)|d|n}} down arrow
{{-)|h}} 2194, ↔
{{-)|h|tex}} \leftrightarrow , {{-)|h|n}} left right arrow
{{-)|v}} 2195, ↕
{{-)|v|tex}} \updownarrow , {{-)|v|n}} up down arrow
{{-)|nw}} 2196, ↖
{{-)|nw|tex}} \nwarrow , {{-)|nw|n}} North West arrow
{{-)|ne}} 2197, ↗
{{-)|ne|tex}} \nearrow , {{-)|ne|n}} North East arrow
{{-)|se}} 2198, ↘
{{-)|se|tex}} \searrow , {{-)|se|n}} South East arrow
{{-)|sw}} 2199, ↙
{{-)|sw|tex}} \swarrow , {{-)|sw|n}} South West arrow
Long single arrows (made of two parts?)
{{-)|ll}} 27F5, ⟵
{{-)|ll|tex}} \longleftarrow , {{-)|ll|n}} long left arrow
{{-)|lh}} 27F7, ⟷
{{-)|lh|tex}} \longleftrightarrow , {{-)|lh|n}} long left right arrow
{{-)|lr}} 27F6, ⟶
{{-)|lr|tex}} \longrightarrow , {{-)|lr|n}} long right arrow
Double arrows
{{-)|L}} 21D0, ⇐
{{-)|L|tex}} \Leftarrow , {{-)|L|n}} left double arrow
{{-)|U}} 21D1, ⇑
{{-)|U|tex}} \Uparrow , {{-)|U|n}} up double arrow
{{-)|R}} 21D2, ⇒
{{-)|R|tex}} \Rightarrow , {{-)|R|n}} right double arrow
{{-)|D}} 21D3, ⇓
{{-)|D|tex}} \Downarrow , {{-)|D|n}} down double arrow
{{-)|H}} 21D4, ⇔
{{-)|H|tex}} \Leftrightarrow , {{-)|H|n}} left right double arrow
{{-)|V}} 21D5, ⇕
{{-)|V|tex}} \Updownarrow , {{-)|V|n}} up down double arrow
{{-)|NW}} 21D6, ⇖
{{-)|NW|tex}} {\color{red} ?} , {{-)|NW|n}} North West double arrow
{{-)|NE}} 21D7, ⇗
{{-)|NE|tex}} {\color{red} ?} , {{-)|NE|n}} North East double arrow
{{-)|SE}} 21D8, ⇘
{{-)|SE|tex}} {\color{red} ?} , {{-)|SE|n}} South East double arrow
{{-)|SW}} 21D9, ⇙
{{-)|SW|tex}} {\color{red} ?} , {{-)|SW|n}} South West double arrow
Long double arrows (made of two parts?)
{{-)|LL}} 27F8, ⟸
{{-)|LL|tex}} \Longleftarrow , {{-)|LL|n}} long left double arrow
{{-)|LH}} 27FA, ⟺
{{-)|LH|tex}} \Longleftrightarrow , {{-)|LH|n}} long left right double arrow
{{-)|LR}} 27F9, ⟹
{{-)|LR|tex}} \Longrightarrow , {{-)|LR|n}} long right double arrow
Paired arrows
{{-)|l/l}} 21C7, ⇇
{{-)|l/l|tex}} \leftleftarrows , {{-)|l/l|n}} left paired arrows
{{-)|r/r}} 21C9, ⇉
{{-)|r/r|tex}} \rightrightarrows , {{-)|r/r|n}} right paired arrows
{{-)|l/r}} 21C6, ⇆
{{-)|l/r|tex}} \leftrightarrows , {{-)|l/r|n}} left arrow over right arrow
{{-)|r/l}} 21C4, ⇄
{{-)|r/l|tex}} \rightleftarrows , {{-)|r/l|n}} right arrow over left arrow
{{-)|u&u}} 21C8, ⇈
{{-)|u&u|tex}} \upuparrows , {{-)|u&u|n}} up paired arrows
{{-)|d&d}} 21CA, ⇊
{{-)|d&d|tex}} \downdownarrows , {{-)|d&d|n}} down paired arrows
{{-)|u&d}} 21C5, ⇅
{{-)|u&d|tex}} {\uparrow\!\downarrow} , {{-)|u&d|n}} up arrow and down arrow
{{-)|d&u}} 21F5, ⇵
{{-)|d&u|tex}} {\downarrow\!\uparrow} , {{-)|d&u|n}} down arrow and up arrow
{{-)|lhu}} 21BC, ↼
{{-)|lhu|tex}} \leftharpoonup , {{-)|lhu|n}} left harpoon with barb up
{{-)|rhu}} 21C0, ⇀
{{-)|rhu|tex}} \rightharpoonup , {{-)|rhu|n}} right harpoon with barb up
{{-)|lhd}} 21BD, ↽
{{-)|lhd|tex}} \leftharpoondown , {{-)|lhd|n}} left harpoon with barb down
{{-)|rhd}} 21C1, ⇁
{{-)|rhd|tex}} \rightharpoondown , {{-)|rhd|n}} right harpoon with barb down
{{-)|lrh}} 21CB, ⇋
{{-)|lrh|tex}} \leftrightharpoons , {{-)|lrh|n}} left harpoon over right harpoon
{{-)|rlh}} 21CC, ⇌
{{-)|rlh|tex}} \rightleftharpoons , {{-)|rlh|n}} right harpoon over left harpoon
{{-)|uhl}} 21BF, ↿
{{-)|uhl|tex}} \upharpoonleft , {{-)|uhl|n}} up harpoon with barb left
{{-)|uhr}} 21BE, ↾
{{-)|uhr|tex}} \upharpoonright , {{-)|uhr|n}} up harpoon with barb right
{{-)|dhl}} 21C3, ⇃
{{-)|dhl|tex}} \downharpoonleft , {{-)|dhl|n}} down harpoon with barb left
{{-)|dhr}} 21C2, ⇂
{{-)|dhr|tex}} \downharpoonright , {{-)|dhr|n}} down harpoon with barb right
Hook arrows
{{-)|hookl}} 21A9, ↩
{{-)|hookl|tex}} \hookleftarrow , {{-)|hookl|n}} left arrow with hook point
{{-)|hookr}} 21AA, ↪
{{-)|hookr|tex}} \hookrightarrow , {{-)|hookr|n}} right arrow with hook point
Triple arrows
{{-)|Lleft}} 21DA, ⇚
{{-)|Lleft|tex}} \Lleftarrow , {{-)|Lleft|n}} left triple arrow
{{-)|Rright}} 21DB, ⇛
{{-)|Rright|tex}} \Rrightarrow , {{-)|Rright|n}} right triple arrow
Two head arrows
{{-)|twoheadleft}} 219E, ↞
{{-)|twoheadleft|tex}} \twoheadleftarrow , {{-)|twoheadleft|n}} left two head arrow
{{-)|twoheadright}} 21A0, ↠
{{-)|twoheadright|tex}} \twoheadrightarrow , {{-)|twoheadright|n}} right two head arrow
Arrows with tail
{{-)|leftwithtail}} 21A2, ↢
{{-)|leftwithtail|tex}} \leftarrowtail , {{-)|leftwithtail|n}} left arrow with tail
{{-)|rightwithtail}} 21A3, ↣
{{-)|rightwithtail|tex}} \rightarrowtail , {{-)|rightwithtail|n}} right arrow with tail
Arrows with loop
{{-)|leftwithloop}} 21AB, ↫
{{-)|leftwithloop|tex}} \looparrowleft , {{-)|leftwithloop|n}} left arrow with loop
{{-)|rightwithloop}} 21AC, ↬
{{-)|rightwithloop|tex}} \looparrowright , {{-)|rightwithloop|n}} right arrow with loop
Squiggly arrows
{{-)|leftsquig}} 21DC, ⇜
{{-)|leftsquig|tex}} \leftsquigarrow Unsupported! {{-)|leftsquig|n}} left squiggly arrow
{{-)|rightsquig}} 21DD, ⇝
{{-)|rightsquig|tex}} \rightsquigarrow , {{-)|rightsquig|n}} right squiggly arrow
{{-)|leftrightsquig}} 21AD, ↭
{{-)|leftrightsquig|tex}} \leftrightsquigarrow , {{-)|leftrightsquig|n}} left right squiggly arrow
Curve arrows
{{-)|curveleft}} 21B6, ↶
{{-)|curveleft|tex}} \curvearrowleft , {{-)|curveleft|n}} anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
{{-)|curveright}} 21B7, ↷
{{-)|curveright|tex}} \curvearrowright , {{-)|curveright|n}} clockwise top semicircle arrow
Circle arrows
{{-)|circleccw}} 21BA, ↺
{{-)|circleccw|tex}} \circlearrowleft , {{-)|circleccw|n}} anticlockwise open circle arrow
{{-)|circlecw}} 21BB, ↻
{{-)|circlecw|tex}} \circlearrowright , {{-)|circlecw|n}} clockwise open circle arrow
Dashed arrows
{{-)|dashleft}} 21E0, ⇠
{{-)|dashleft|tex}} \dashleftarrow Unsupported! {{-)|dashleft|n}} dashed left arrow
{{-)|dashright}} 21E2, ⇢
{{-)|dashright|tex}} \dashrightarrow Unsupported! {{-)|dashright|n}} dashed right arrow
{{-)|dashup}} 21E1, ⇡
{{-)|dashup|tex}} \dashuparrow Unsupported! {{-)|dashup|n}} dashed up arrow
{{-)|dashdown}} 21E3, ⇣
{{-)|dashdown|tex}} \dashdownarrow Unsupported! {{-)|dashdown|n}} dashed down arrow
Negated arrows
{{-)|nleft}} 219A, ↚
{{-)|nleft|tex}} \nleftarrow , {{-)|nleft|n}} negated left arrow
{{-)|nright}} 219B, ↛
{{-)|nright|tex}} \nrightarrow , {{-)|nright|n}} negated right arrow
{{-)|nleftright}} 21AE, ↮
{{-)|nleftright|tex}} \nleftrightarrow , {{-)|nleftright|n}} negated left right arrow
{{-)|nLeft}} 21CD, ⇍
{{-)|nLeft|tex}} \nLeftarrow , {{-)|nLeft|n}} negated left double arrow
{{-)|nRight}} 21CF, ⇏
{{-)|nRight|tex}} \nRightarrow , {{-)|nRight|n}} negated right double arrow
{{-)|nLeftright}} 21CE, ⇎
{{-)|nLeftright|tex}} \nLeftrightarrow , {{-)|nLeftright|n}} negated left right double arrow

See also

  • {{symbol}} or {{sym}} (mathematical symbols) (typing-aid template)
  • {{rel}} (symbols for relation operators) (typing-aid template)