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Special cases of the Chebyshev polynomials

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The Chebyshev polynomials have many special cases which have been studied under other names, most famously the Lucas polynomials.

Denote by the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind and by the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.

Dickson polynomials

Dickson polynomials of the first kind

Dickson polynomials (of the first kind) are defined by

The first few Dickson polynomials of the first kind are

Dickson polynomials of the first kind (with πžͺ = 1)

The Dickson polynomials (with πžͺ = 1) are given by

The first few Dickson polynomials (with πžͺ = 1) are

Dickson polynomials (with πžͺ = 1),[1] [2] [3] [4] , are equivalent to Chebyshev polynomials , with a slight and trivial change of variable

Dickson polynomials of the second kind

Dickson polynomials of the second kind are defined by

They have not been studied much, and have properties similar to those of Dickson polynomials of the first kind.

The first few Dickson polynomials of the second kind are

Fibonacci polynomials

Main article page: Fibonacci polynomials

The sequence of Fibonacci polynomials [5] is a sequence of polynomials defined by the recurrence relation (compare with the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, at the right)

The ordinary generating function for the sequence of Fibonacci polynomials is

Fibonacci polynomials

If you look at the Fibonacci polynomials triangle, you will see that the rising diagonals corresponding to odd are the "(1,1)-Pascal polynomials". And the column of degree 1 have natural numbers as coefficients, the column of degree 2 have triangular numbers as coefficients, the column of degree 3 have tetrahedral numbers as coefficients, and so on... (Cf. rows of (1,1)-Pascal triangle, i.e. Pascal triangle.)

Lucas polynomials

Main article page: Lucas polynomials

The Lucas polynomials (or Cardan polynomials) were created by Γ‰douard Lucas in 1878 to study linear recurrence relations, prime numbers, and other aspects of mathematics.

The sequence of Lucas polynomials [6] is a sequence of polynomials defined by the recurrence relation (compare with Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind recurrence on the right)

The ordinary generating function of the Lucas polynomials is

Lucas polynomials

If you look at the Lucas polynomials triangle, you will see that the rising diagonals corresponding to even are the "(1,2)-Pascal polynomials". And the column of degree 1 have odd numbers as coefficients, the column of degree 2 have square numbers as coefficients, the column of degree 3 have square pyramidal numbers as coefficients, and so on... (Cf. rows of (1,2)-Pascal triangle, i.e. Lucas triangle.)

Boubaker polynomials

The Boubaker polynomials can be defined by the recurrence relation[7]

They are given by the closed form formula

The ordinary generating function is

In terms of the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, we have

In terms of both the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind and the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, we have


  1. ↑ [1]
  2. ↑ [2]
  3. ↑ [3]
  4. ↑ [4]
  5. ↑ Eric W. Weisstein, Fibonacci Polynomial, from MathWorld β€” A Wolfram Web Resource.
  6. ↑ Eric W. Weisstein, Lucas Polynomial, from MathWorld β€” A Wolfram Web Resource.
  7. ↑ O.D. Oyodum, O.B. Awojoyogbe, M.K. Dada, J.N. Magnuson, Comment on "Enhancement of pyrolysis spray disposal performance using thermal time-response to precursor uniform deposition" by K. Boubaker, A. Chaouachi, M. Amlouk and H. Bouzouita. On the earliest definition of the Boubaker polynomials, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., Volume 46, DOI:10.1051/epjap/2009036