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Logical NAND
Logical NAND (“Not And”) is an operation on two logical values, typically the values of two propositions, that produces a value of false if and only if both of its operands are true. In other words, it produces a value of true if and only if at least one of its operands is false.
A logical NAND of propositions and may be written in various ways. Among the most common are these:
A truth table for appears below:
A logical graph for is drawn as two letters attached to the free node of a rooted edge:
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The traversal string of this graph is The proposition may be taken as a Boolean function having the abstract type where is interpreted in such a way that means and means
A Venn diagram for indicates the region where is true by means of a distinctive color or shading. In this case the region consists of three adjacent cells, as shown below:
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The NAND operation is interesting because this operator alone allows to get all other logical operations, viz:
- NOT(x) = x NAND x
- x AND y = NOT(x NAND y) = (x NAND y) NAND (x NAND y)
- x OR y = (x NAND x) NAND (y NAND y) (as can be seen from negating NOT(x OR y) = (NOT x) AND (NOT y)).
- (x => y) = (NOT x) OR y = ...
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