********************************************************************* HELP FILE FOR EMAIL SERVICE THAT AUTOMATICALLY LOOKS UP A SEQUENCE ********************************************************************* Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (http://oeis.org) Maintained by The OEIS Foundation Inc. Please donate! (http://oeisf.org) INSTRUCTIONS: To look up a sequence in the OEIS, send email to sequences@oeis.org containing a line of the form lookup 4 9 16 25 36 for each sequence (up to a limit of 30) that you would like looked up. Put these lines in the body of the message. As Subject line, say "None". The reply will report all sequences found in the OEIS (up to a limit of 50) that match your sequence. Alternatively, you can say lookup A41 lookup A000112 etc. (up to a limit of 30) if you know the A-numbers of the sequences you are want to see. (However, you cannot mix the two kinds of lookups.) RECOMMENDATIONS: . If you receive 50 matches, try again giving more terms . Minus signs should generally be omitted, since people may have different opinions about the choice of signs . For a sequence of rational numbers, try the numerators and denominators separately . For an array of numbers, either: (i) try looking up the individual rows, columns or diagonals, whichever seem appropriate,, or (ii) convert the array into a sequence by reading it across rows or columns (for example, Pascal's triangle gives 1,1,1,1,2,1,1,3,3,1,1,4,6,4,1 etc.) . It is best to leave out the first term or two, since there may be several ways to begin the sequence . Give as many terms as possible (although if you give more terms than are in the table, the program will not find a match - so don't give TOO many!) COMMON ERRORS WHEN USING THIS EMAIL SERVICE: Make sure that the word "lookup" does not appear in the message in the same line as any non-numeric characters. Make sure that the lookup line has the form lookup 1 4 9 16 25 GOOD! and avoid any lines that say things like: Subject: lookup please BAD! Subject: lookup BAD! To: lookup <sequences@oeis.org> BAD! lookup 1,4,9,16,... [NO COMMAS OR DOTS ARE ALLOWED!] BAD! lookup 1 4 9 16 ? BAD! lookup BAD! In a submission to superseeker the word "lookup" may only appear once in the entire message. *********************** THE FORMAT USED IN THE OEIS is described in the web page http://oeis.org/wiki/Style_Sheet FOR A MORE SOPHISTICATED LOOKUP, try superseeker - send a blank message to superseeker@oeis.org for instructions TO SUBMIT A NEW SEQUENCE OR COMMENT use the web page http://oeis.org/Submit.html TO LOOKUP SEQUENCES USING THE INTERNET go to http://oeis.org/ FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences see the Welcome page http://oeis.org/wiki/Welcome