Squares in A378769.
32400, 63504, 90000, 129600, 156816, 202500, 219024, 254016, 291600, 345744, 360000, 374544, 467856, 490000, 518400, 571536, 627264, 685584, 777924, 810000, 876096, 960400, 1016064, 1089936, 1166400, 1210000, 1245456, 1382976, 1411344, 1440000, 1498176, 1587600
Let omega = A001221, bigomega = A001222, and rad = A007947.
Numbers k that have all types of divisor pairs (d, k/d), d | k, that are listed in both A378769 and A378900. These are listed below:
Type A*: (Nontrivial) unitary divisor pairs, i.e., d coprime to k/d. The rest of the types are in cototient.
Type B*: gcd(d, k/d) > 1, rad(d) !| k/d, rad(k/d) !| d. These exist for k in A375055.
Type C: d < k/d, d | k/d but rad(k/d) !| d. Implies rad(k/d) = rad(k) and omega(d) < omega(k/d). These exist for k in A126706.
Type D: Either rad(d) | k/d, rad(k/d) !| d or vice versa. These exist for k in A378767.
Type E*: d = k/d = sqrt(k).
Type F: rad(d) = rad(k/d) = rad(k), d < k/d, d | k/d. These exist for k in A320966.
Type G*: rad(d) = rad(k/d) = rad(k), neither d | k/d nor k/d | d. These exist for k in A376936.
Asterisks denote symmetric types.
Since numbers d and k/d are either coprime or not, and if not, the squarefree kernel of one either divides the other or not, and if so, d divides k/d or not, and if so, d = k/d or not, there are no other types.
Smallest odd term is a(45) = 2480625.
Square roots not A350372: sqrt(810000) = 900 is not in A350372.
Michael De Vlieger, Diagram listing all divisor pairs for a(n), n = 1..8, showing type A in white, type B in light gray, type C in green or red, type D in blue or gold, type E in dark gray, type F in orange or purple, and type G in black.
Michael De Vlieger, Diagram listing divisor pairs (d, k/d) for k = a(n), n = 1..60, showing only those with the smallest d and using the same color scheme as above, for each type and its reversal if the type is nonsymmetric.
This sequence is { k = s^2 : rad(k)^2 | k,
bigomega(k) > omega(k) > 2, p^3 | k and q^3 | k for distinct primes p, q }.
Intersection of A378769 and A378900.
Intersection of A000290, A375055, and A376936.
Sum_{n>=1} = Pi^2/6 - (15/Pi^2) * (1 + Sum_{p prime} (1/(p^4-1))) - ((Sum_{p prime} (1/(p^2*(p^2-1))))^2 - Sum_{p prime} (1/(p^4*(p^2-1)^2)))/2 = 0.00015490158528995570146... . - Amiram Eldar, Dec 21 2024
a(1) = 32400 = 2^4 * 3^4 * 5^2 has the following divisor pair types:
Type A: 16 * 2025, Type B: 48 * 675, Type C: 2 * 16200, Type D: 8 * 4050
Type E: 180 * 180, Type F: 30 * 1080, Type G: 120 * 270.
a(2) = 63504 = 2^4 * 3^4 * 7^2 has the following divisor pair types:
Type A: 16 * 3969, Type B: 48 * 1323, Type C: 2 * 31752, Type D: 8 * 7938
Type E: 252 * 252, Type F: 42 * 1512, Type G: 168 * 378.
a(3) = 90000 = 2^4 * 3^2 * 5^4 has the following divisor pair types:
Type A: 9 * 10000, Type B: 18 * 5000, Type C: 2 * 45000, Type D: 8 * 11250
Type E: 300 * 300, Type F: 30 * 3000, Type G: 120 * 750, etc.
s = Union@ Select[Flatten@ Table[a^2*b^3, {b, Surd[#, 3]}, {a, Sqrt[#/b^3]}] &[2^21], IntegerQ@ Sqrt[#] &];
t = Select[s, Length@ Select[FactorInteger[#][[All, -1]], # > 2 &] >= 2 &];
Select[t, PrimeOmega[#] > PrimeNu[#] > 2 &]
Michael De Vlieger, Dec 15 2024