%I #6 Nov 15 2024 11:15:47
%S 1,19,49,59,365,695,1055,1171,1655,2945,5767,12085,12715,68585
%N Numbers k such that the least m for which m*k is a ludic number (if such an m exists) sets a new record.
%C Indices of records in A377778.
%e 49 is a term since 931 = 19*49 is the smallest multiple of 49 that is a ludic number and, for all k < 49, either no multiple of k is a ludic number or m*k is a ludic number for some m < 19.
%Y Cf. A003309, A377778, A378049, A378052.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,2
%A _Pontus von Brömssen_, Nov 15 2024