Index of first occurrence of n in A129363, or 0 if no such number exists.

%I #10 Oct 18 2024 18:23:46

%S 2,6,10,22,48,120,114,298,240,540,288,1620,210,300,702,840,660,2312,

%T 1290,4284,1332,2580,2070,2100,1890,5100,2340,5580,3720,6660,3612,

%U 6240,2310,10288,3540,4680,4788,5460,4410,5940,6120,10200,4200,4620,3570,10560,5700,16588,5250

%N Index of first occurrence of n in A129363, or 0 if no such number exists.

%C Twin prime analogous to A023036.

%C Conjecture: a(n) > 0. Checked to 1010.

%C Conjectured last occurrence: 4208, 24536, 28916, 21278, 51806, 68078, 73538, 89216, 83978, ..., .

%C Conjecture number of terms for A129363(k) = n: 35, 115, 285, 327, 557, 537, 723, 652, 882, ..., .

%C A129363(n) = 0: A007534.

%t tp = Select[Prime@Range@ 16340, PrimeQ[# -2] || PrimeQ[# +2] &]; f[n_] := Length@ IntegerPartitions[n, {2, 2}, tp]; t[_] := 0; k = 2; While[k < 10201, a = f@k; If[ t[a] == 0, t[a] = k]; k += 2]; t /@ Range[0, 75]

%Y Cf. A001097, A023036, A129363.

%K nonn

%O 0,1

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Sep 19 2024