/* Kevin Ryde, September 2024 Usage: ./a.out [-v] [start|resume] This is some C code using GNU C features and for a 64 bit build to find terms of A372707(n) = smallest starting x requiring n steps to reach 0 under the map x -> step(x) where step(x) = 2^x mod x = A015910(x). The method is an explicit search through starting x, with the trajectory of x stopped early if a step drops by so much that previous terms show x is not n steps. Command Line ------------ Output is b-file style so for instance a(12)=34305, 12 34305 Optional parameter "-v" or doubled -v -v prints some more verbose information about progress. Save and Resume --------------- The current n, x, and previous terms, are saved to saved-state.txt at 5 minute intervals and on kill (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP). The search can be resumed by ./a.out resume This is intended for a long run which might have to be restarted. saved-state.txt is like n = 4 x = 26 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 18 n is the next target n steps sought. x is the next candidate x to consider. b-file style previous terms follow for i = 0..n-1. Progress information then follows and is ignored on resume. Compile Time ------------ The default #define USE_REDC 1 selects REDC modular multiplies, rather than ordinary divisions. REDC trades 1 div for 2 mul and certain pre and post calculations and is usually faster on current CPUs. umul_ppmm() and udiv_qrnnd() are "longlong.h" style asm macros. Macros for x86_64 are copied here. Grab them from longlong.h for other CPUs. If no suitable asm, then GNU C type __int128 is used as a fallback. This is likely to be slower than asm, in particular division is probably a libgcc call and allows for quotient bigger than 64 bits which doesn't happen here. A 32 bit build is not targeted since the known terms already exceed 32 bits, and really need the speed of 64 bit operations. REDC Speed ---------- The comparison for USE_REDC or not is roughly uint64_2pow_mod_odd_by_redc() = 6 mul + 2 div pre and post REDC setups (possibly 1 of those div simultaneous with 4 muls) 3 mul per bit of (odd part of exponent e) >> 6 (ie. 6 bits shifted off) uint64_2pow_mod_by_div() 1 mul + 1 div per bit of exponent e >> (6 or 7) (ie. 6 or 7 bits shifted off) When REDC is faster, there'll be a break-even point at some bit length of exponent e where the cost of the pre and post setups is overcome. On an Intel with 14 cycle mul and 70 cycle div, this was as few as 10 bits long (which is almost instantly passed). In saved-state.txt, the steps per second statistic shows the overall rate achieved. Can experiment, at desired size x, to see the rate with USE_REDC 1 versus 0. Trajectory Stop Condition ------------------------- In is_n_steps(), a trajectory which cannot reach n steps is detected early by y = step(step(...step(x))) after i steps applied if y < a(n-i) then x cannot be n steps The simplest stop is on the first step i=1 if y = step(x) < a(n-1) then x cannot be n steps This is y immediately dropping below the previous a(n-1). n-1 more steps are desired, but y < a(n-1) means at most n-2. A stop can occur after any number of steps. Successive steps might remain good for a while, but then drop a large amount. Progress information in saved-state.txt includes average number of steps for the last chunk of searching. Assuming a random 0 <= step(x) < x, there's more chance of staying high when x is much larger than a(n-1). So average steps tend to increase with x, for a given n. The time for each step grows with the bit length of x. Things Not Done --------------- The alternative to trajectory stopping would be to remember num_steps(y) for every y < x so num_steps(x) = num_steps(y) + 1 where y = step(x). But up near x = 2^40 this is a trillion previous elements with random access. In enough memory, that could reduce 1.5 to 2.5 steps per x to instead just 1 step. When x is odd, step(2*x) is a single extra modular square, step(2*x) = s or s+x, whichever is even where s = step(x)^2 mod x This is in the same modulus x as step(x) already uses, so is a cheap first step for the trajectory of 2*x. But would an early explore of 2*x help? Or other 2^k*x ? The trajectory stopping rule only acts on descents below a(n-1), so is much less effective on bigger values. */ /* Set to 1 to use REDC for modular multiply. Set to 0 to use ordinary division. */ #define USE_REDC 1 /* Set WANT_ASSERT to 1 to enable self-checks (slower). Set WANT_DEBUG to 1 for some rough development prints. */ #define WANT_ASSERT 0 #define WANT_DEBUG 0 #if ! WANT_ASSERT #define NDEBUG #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Generic */ #if WANT_DEBUG #define DEBUG(expr) do { expr; } while (0) #else #define DEBUG(expr) do { } while (0) #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #define LIKELY(cond) __builtin_expect((cond) != 0, 1) #define UNLIKELY(cond) __builtin_expect((cond) != 0, 0) #define ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF __attribute__ ((format (printf,1,2))) #define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused)) #else #define LIKELY(cond) (cond) #define UNLIKELY(cond) (cond) #define ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF #define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED #endif #define numberof(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0])) /* GNU C type __int128 available on a 64 bit target. */ #if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) #define HAVE_UINT128 1 typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t; #endif noreturn ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF void error (const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, ap); va_end (ap); exit(1); } /* with ptr=NULL allowed for initial malloc() too */ static void * realloc_or_die(void *ptr, size_t size) { ptr = (ptr==NULL ? malloc(size) : realloc(ptr, size)); if (UNLIKELY (ptr == NULL)) error("Cannot realloc() to %zu bytes\n", size); return (ptr); } static FILE * fopen_or_die (const char *filename, const char *mode) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename,mode); if (fp==NULL) error("Cannot %s %s\n", mode[0] == 'r' ? "open" : "create", filename); return (fp); } static void ferror_die (FILE *fp, const char *filename, const char *action) { if (ferror(fp)) error("Error %s %s: %s\n", action, filename, strerror(errno)); } static void fclose_or_die (FILE *fp, const char *filename) { if (fclose(fp) != 0) error("Error closing %s\n", filename); } static void rename_or_die (const char *old_filename, const char *new_filename) { if (rename(old_filename, new_filename) != 0) error("Error renaming %s to %s: %s\n", old_filename, new_filename, strerror(errno)); } static void sigaction_or_die (int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact) { if (sigaction (signum, act, oldact) != 0) error("Cannot sigaction signum=%d: %s\n", signum, strerror(errno)); } static void setitimer_or_die (int which, const struct itimerval *new_value, struct itimerval *old_value) { if (setitimer(which, new_value, old_value) != 0) error("Cannot setitimer %d: %s\n", which, strerror(errno)); } /* CPU time consumed by this process so far, in seconds */ static double cputime (void) { struct timespec t; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &t) != 0) error("Cannot clock_gettime() CPUTIME: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return t.tv_sec + t.tv_nsec/1e9; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* longlong.h macros umul_ppmm(w1,w0, u, v) sets words (w1,w0) = u*v, with w1 being the most significant word. udiv_qrnnd(q,r, n1,n0, dv) sets q,r to quotient and remainder of division (n1,n0) / dv where n1,n0 are two words of dividend and dv is one word divisor. Rounding is downward so 0 <= r < dv. Must have n1 < dv so q fits in one word (even if q unused). On x86 CPUs, if n1 >= dv then expect SIGFPE like divide by zero. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) #define HAVE_LONGLONG_MACROS 1 #define LONGLONG_MACROS_TYPE "x86_64" /* these as per longlong.h */ typedef uint64_t UDItype; #define umul_ppmm(w1,w0, u, v) \ __asm__ ("mul{q} %3" \ : "=a" ((UDItype) (w0)), \ "=d" ((UDItype) (w1)) \ : "%0" ((UDItype) (u)), \ "rm" ((UDItype) (v))) #define udiv_qrnnd(q,r, n1,n0, dv) \ do { \ assert ((n1) < (dv)); \ __asm__ ("div{q} %4" \ : "=a" ((UDItype) (q)), \ "=d" ((UDItype) (r)) \ : "0" ((UDItype) (n0)), \ "1" ((UDItype) (n1)), \ "rm" ((UDItype) (dv))); \ } while (0) #endif /* Fallback on uint128_t if no asm macros. */ #if ! HAVE_LONGLONG_MACROS #define HAVE_LONGLONG_MACROS 1 #define LONGLONG_MACROS_TYPE "uint128_t" #define umul_ppmm(w1,w0, u, v) \ do { \ uint128_t umul_ppmm__w = (uint128_t)(u) * (v); \ (w1) = (uint64_t) (umul_ppmm__w >> 64); \ (w0) = (uint64_t) umul_ppmm__w; \ } while (0) #define udiv_qrnnd(q,r, n1,n0, dv) \ do { \ assert ((n1) < (dv)); \ uint128_t udiv_qrnnd__n = \ (((uint128_t)(n1)) << 64) + (n0); \ uint64_t udiv_qrnnd__dv = (dv); \ (q) = (uint64_t) (udiv_qrnnd__n / udiv_qrnnd__dv); \ (r) = (uint64_t) (udiv_qrnnd__n % udiv_qrnnd__dv); \ } while (0) #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* uint64_t arithmetic */ #define UINT64_HIGHBIT ((uint64_t)1 << 63) static inline int uint64_count_trailing_zeros (uint64_t x) { assert (x != 0); #ifdef __GNUC__ if (sizeof(unsigned) >= sizeof(x)) return (__builtin_ctz(x)); if (sizeof(unsigned long) >= sizeof(x)) return (__builtin_ctzl(x)); if (sizeof(unsigned long long) >= sizeof(x)) return (__builtin_ctzll(x)); #endif int ret = 0; while (! (x & 1)) { ret++; x>>=1; } return (ret); } static inline int uint64_count_leading_zeros (uint64_t x) { assert (x != 0); #ifdef __GNUC__ if (sizeof(unsigned) >= sizeof(x)) return (__builtin_clz(x)); if (sizeof(unsigned long) >= sizeof(x)) return (__builtin_clzl(x)); if (sizeof(unsigned long long) >= sizeof(x)) return (__builtin_clzll(x)); #endif uint64_t mask = UINT64_HIGHBIT; int ret = 0; while (! (x & mask)) { mask>>=1; ret++; } return (ret); } static int uint64_bit_length (uint64_t x) { return (64 - uint64_count_leading_zeros(x)); } /* uint64_mul_mod() returns x*y mod M. x and y must be small enough that the quotient fits a uint64_t, ie. x*y < M*2^64 so q = floor((x*y)/M) <= UINT64_MAX. */ static inline uint64_t uint64_mul_mod (uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t M) { assert (M != 0); uint64_t hi,lo, r; uint64_t q ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED; umul_ppmm (hi,lo, x,y); udiv_qrnnd (q,r, hi,lo, M); return (r); } /* uint64_2pow_mod_by_div(e,M) returns 2^e mod M. Must have e >=1 and M fits 63 bits, ie. M < 2^63. */ static inline uint64_t uint64_2pow_mod_by_div (uint64_t e, uint64_t M) { /* Double and step is done with the step (when required) combined into the double multiply. This is at most ret*(2*ret) with ret = M-1, so at most 2*M^2 - 2*M + 1. Since M < 2^63, this is < M*2^64 as required by uint64_mul_mod(). */ assert (e != 0); /* not used with e=0 here */ assert (M != 0 && M < UINT64_HIGHBIT); int c = uint64_count_leading_zeros(e); int e_len = 64 - c; /* bit length of e */ if (UNLIKELY (e_len <= 6)) { assert (1 <= e && e <= 63); return (((uint64_t)1 << e) % M); } e <<= c; /* highest 1 bit now at position 63 */ uint64_t ret; { /* Highest 6 or 7 bits of e as "initial_e" ret = 2^(initial_e) mod M Must have 2^(initial_e) < M*2^64 for udiv_qrnnd() doing mod M. 7 bits is 64 <= initial_e <= 127 and "high" is the prospective high to udiv. If high >= M then too big and must use 6 bits. 6 bits is 32 <= initial_e <= 63 so fits in "low" alone. The chance of 7 bits depends on the size of M but is an easy check to save 1 mul+mod when possible. */ int e_initial_len = 7; uint64_t e_initial = e >> (64 - e_initial_len); /* high bits */ assert (64 <= e_initial && e_initial <= 127); uint64_t high = (uint64_t)1 << (e_initial - 64);; uint64_t low = 0; if (high >= M) { e_initial >>= 1; /* high 6 bits */ assert (32 <= e_initial && e_initial <= 63); e_initial_len = 6; high = 0; low = (uint64_t)1 << e_initial; } uint64_t q ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED; udiv_qrnnd (q,ret, high,low, M); e <<= e_initial_len; e_len -= e_initial_len; } /* If 0 bit in e then double to ret^2 mod M. If 1 bit in e then double and step to 2*ret^2 mod M. e is shifted up so the bit tested is at position 63. */ while (--e_len >= 0) { ret = uint64_mul_mod (ret, ret << (e>>63), M); e <<= 1; /* next lower bit of e to test */ } return (ret); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Montgomery's REDC represents a remainder x mod M as an "xR", xR = x*R mod M where R = 2^64 (with M odd so M and R have no common factor) The advantage of this is that modular multiply x*y mod M can have its mod done by 2 multiplies instead of 1 divide. On many CPUs multiply is much faster than divide so a net speedup. Here REDC is used in uint64_t machine words x, xR, M, etc. step_by_redc() ensures M is odd. Modular multiplication is z = x*y mod M In xR = x*R, yR = y*R and desiring zR = z*R, all mod M, this is T = xR*yR = (Th,Tl) = Th*R + Tl 1x1 -> 2 word multiply zR = REDC(T) then reduction where REDC(T) = T * R^(-1) mod M T gets two factors of R, hence reduction by * R^(-1) mod M. This reduction of T is 2 further multiplies. The idea is to subtract from T some multiple of M which will reach a multiple of R. This multiple is m*M where m = Tl*Minv mod R with pre-calculated Minv = M^(-1) mod R t = (T - m*M) / R = Th - high(m*M) zR = / t if t >= 0 \ t + M if t < 0 By construction, low(m*M) = Tl so only high(m*M) is needed and subtract that from Th. In uint64_2pow_mod_odd_by_redc(), pre-calculation is 4 multiplies for redc_init_Minv(), and 2 divisions for initial "retR". Post-calculation is 2 multiplies (one REDC). Initial retR is the most significant 6 bits of exponent e, as h = 2^(e_high_6) mod M done by 1 division, then retR = redc_in_single(h) by 1 further division so that retR = (2^e_high) * R mod M = 2^(e_high + 64) mod M The first remainder h mod M can be simultaneous with the Minv pre-calculation if the CPU allows. */ /* x,y are remainders mod M, with 0 <= x < M and 0 <= y <= M. Return difference x-y mod M. Must have M < 2^63 (so can use the sign bit in x-y). */ static inline uint64_t uint64_submod (uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t M) { assert (x < M); assert (y <= M); assert (1 <= M && M < UINT64_HIGHBIT); x -= y; return (x & UINT64_HIGHBIT ? x+M : x); } /* inv = mod16bits_inverse_table[n] is the multiplicative inverse of 2*n+1 mod 2^16, meaning inv*(2*n+1) == 1 mod 2^16. */ static uint16_t mod16bits_inverse_table[32768]; static void init_mod16bits_inverse_table (void) { size_t n,j; for (n=0; n < numberof(mod16bits_inverse_table); n++) { uint16_t M = 2*n+1; uint16_t inv = 1; /* initially 1 bit good */ for (j=1; j <= 4; j++) inv *= 2 - inv*M; /* double 4 times so 2^4 = 16 bits good */ if ((uint16_t) (inv*(2*n+1)) != 1) error("oops, init_mod16bits_inverse_table() not inverse\n"); mod16bits_inverse_table[n] = inv; } } /* uint64_modword_inverse(M) returns the multiplicative modular inverse of M mod 2^64, meaning inv for which M*inv == 1 mod 2^64. M must be odd, since otherwise no such inverse exists. */ static inline uint64_t uint64_modword_inverse (uint64_t M) { assert ((M & 1) == 1); uint64_t inv = mod16bits_inverse_table[(M>>1) & 0x7FFF]; /* 16 bits */ inv *= 2 - inv*M; /* 32 bits */ inv *= 2 - inv*M; /* 64 bits */ assert (inv*M == 1); return (inv); } /* Return Minv = M^(-1) mod R for use in REDC mod M. */ static inline uint64_t redc_init_Minv (uint64_t M) { return (uint64_modword_inverse (M)); } /* For the given x, return REDC form xR = x*R mod M. Must have 0 <= x < M. This is xR = x*2^64 mod M. This "in" conversion is intended for a single x to xR. (As opposed to several inputs x of the same M.) */ static inline uint64_t redc_in_single (uint64_t x, uint64_t M) { assert (0 <= x && x < M); uint64_t q ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED; uint64_t r; udiv_qrnnd (q,r, x,(uint64_t)0, M); return (r); } /* Th,Tl are two words of a multiply (Th,TL) = xR*yR. Reduce by one factor of R, so zR = xR*yR*R^(-1) mod M = x*y*R mod M. This zR is the REDC form of x*y mod M. Must have Th < M so the "t" described in the comments above is in the range -M < t < M and so uint64_submod() suffices here. */ static inline uint64_t redc_reduce (uint64_t Th, uint64_t Tl, uint64_t M, uint64_t Minv) { assert (Th < M); assert (M*Minv == 1); uint64_t hi, lo; umul_ppmm (hi,lo, Tl*Minv, M); assert (lo == Tl); uint64_t t = uint64_submod (Th, hi, M); assert (0 <= t && t < M); return (t); } /* For xR,yR REDC forms of x,y, return zR REDC of z = x*y mod M. Can have extra constant factors in xR or yR, making them bigger than normal residue range 0..M-1, so long as xR*yR < M*2^64. */ static inline uint64_t redc_mul (uint64_t xR, uint64_t yR, uint64_t M, uint64_t Minv) { uint64_t Th,Tl; umul_ppmm (Th,Tl, xR, yR); return (redc_reduce (Th,Tl, M, Minv)); } /* For xR REDC form of x, return that x. */ static inline uint64_t redc_out (uint64_t xR, uint64_t M, uint64_t Minv) { return (redc_reduce (0,xR, M,Minv)); } /* Return 2^e mod M, for e >=1. M must be odd and fit 63 bits, ie. M < 2^63. */ static uint64_t uint64_2pow_mod_odd_by_redc (uint64_t e, uint64_t M) { /* Double and step is done together by ret * (2*ret). This is within the xR*yR < M*2^64 demanded by redc_mul(). At most ret = M-1 which is 2*ret^2 <= 2*M^2 - 2*M + 1. Then with M < 2^63 have 2*M^2 < M*2^64. The most significant 6 bits of e are initial 2^e_high_6 by "%". This "%" instead of udiv_qrnnd() lets the compiler see the operation so might do it simultaneously with Minv calculation. redc_in_single() is a further udiv_qrnnd() though. */ DEBUG(printf("uint64_2pow_mod_odd_by_redc() e=%"PRIu64" M=%"PRIu64"\n", e,M)); assert (e != 0); /* not used with e=0 here */ assert (M & 1); int e_clz = uint64_count_leading_zeros(e); int e_len = 64-6 - e_clz; /* bit length of e, sans high 6 bits */ if (UNLIKELY(e_len <= 0)) { assert (1 <= e && e <= 63); return (((uint64_t)1 << e) % M); /* when e <= 6 bits */ } /* Highest 6 bits of e taken together. */ uint64_t e_high_6 = e >> e_len; /* high 6 bits */ e <<= 64 - e_len; /* those below now at top */ assert (32 <= e_high_6 && e_high_6 <= 63); uint64_t initial_ret = (uint64_t)1 << e_high_6; initial_ret %= M; uint64_t Minv = redc_init_Minv (M); DEBUG(printf(" Minv = 0x%"PRIX64"\n", Minv)); /* retR = initial_ret * 2^64 mod M */ uint64_t retR = redc_in_single (initial_ret, M); /* If 0 bit in e then double to ret^2 mod M. If 1 bit in e then double and step to 2*ret^2 mod M . e is shifted up so the bit tested is at position 63. */ do { DEBUG(printf(" at e_len=%d e=0x%"PRIX64"\n", e_len, e)); assert (e_len >= 1); retR = redc_mul (retR, retR << (e>>63), M,Minv); e <<= 1; /* next lower bit of e */ } while (LIKELY(--e_len != 0)); uint64_t ret = redc_out (retR, M,Minv); DEBUG(printf(" final retR = 0x%"PRIX64" is ret=%"PRIu64"\n", retR, ret)); return (ret); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int option_verbose = 0; static int option_maxn = INT_MAX; /* Previously found a[i] = a(i), for 0 <= i < a_len. */ static uint64_t *a; static size_t a_len; /* number of elements in a[] array */ static void set_a (int n, uint64_t x) { if (n != a_len) error("set_a() oops, next term not consecutive\n"); a = realloc_or_die (a, (a_len+1)*sizeof(a[0])); a[a_len++] = x; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Save State */ static const char saved_state_filename[] = "saved-state.txt"; static const char temp_filename[] = "saved-state.txt.tempfile"; static uint64_t last_num_x = 0; static uint64_t last_num_steps = 0; static uint64_t last_cputime = 0; void save (int n, uint64_t x) { /* Write first to temp_filename and then rename, so atomic replacement. */ FILE *fp = fopen_or_die (temp_filename, "w"); fprintf(fp, "n = %d\n", n); fprintf(fp, "x = %"PRIu64"\n", x); int i; for (i = 0; i < a_len; i++) fprintf(fp, "%d %"PRIu64"\n", i, a[i]); /* extra info */ fprintf(fp, "\n-------------\n"); fprintf(fp, "x is %d bits\n", uint64_bit_length(x)); double t = cputime(); double elapsed_time = t - last_cputime; fprintf(fp, "last chunk %.1f seconds CPU time\n", elapsed_time); fprintf(fp, "tried %"PRIu64" x by %"PRIu64" steps, average %.2lf steps\n", last_num_x, last_num_steps, (last_num_x > 0 ? (double) last_num_steps / last_num_x : -1.0)); double x_per_second = (elapsed_time >= 1 ? last_num_x / elapsed_time : -1.0); double steps_per_second = (elapsed_time >= 1 ? last_num_steps / elapsed_time : -1.0); fprintf(fp, "%.2lf million x/second, %.2lf million steps/second\n", x_per_second/1e6, steps_per_second/1e6); ferror_die (fp, temp_filename, "writing"); fclose_or_die (fp, temp_filename); rename_or_die (temp_filename, saved_state_filename); if (option_verbose >= 2) printf("save to %s n=%d x=%"PRIu64"\n", saved_state_filename, n, x); last_cputime = cputime(); last_num_x = 0; last_num_steps = 0; } static volatile sig_atomic_t flag_interrupt = 0; static volatile sig_atomic_t flag_terminate = 0; void sig_handler_save_state (int signum) { if (option_verbose >= 2) printf("signal %d received for save state\n", signum); flag_interrupt = 1; } void sig_handler_terminate (int signum) { if (option_verbose) printf("signal %d received for terminate\n", signum); flag_interrupt = 1; flag_terminate = 1; } /* Initialise handlers for saving on SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM, and on a timer. */ void init_save () { struct sigaction s; s.sa_handler = sig_handler_terminate; sigfillset(&s.sa_mask); s.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction_or_die(SIGINT, &s, NULL); sigaction_or_die(SIGHUP, &s, NULL); sigaction_or_die(SIGTERM, &s, NULL); s.sa_handler = sig_handler_save_state; sigaction_or_die(SIGALRM, &s, NULL); struct itimerval t; t.it_interval.tv_sec = 5*60; /* 5 minutes */ t.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; t.it_value = t.it_interval; setitimer_or_die(ITIMER_REAL, &t, NULL); last_cputime = cputime(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Sample Data */ static const uint64_t A372707_data[] = { 0, 1, 3, 18, 35, 207, 774, 1513, 2051, 8900, 13459, 25907, 34305, 88036, 153839, 382283, 397590, 636459, 844177, 1456073, 2426735, 7312307, 11716125, 14657311, 43165242, 52706549, 84955821, /* n=26 */ 188736643, /* n=27 */ 416569989, 953350161, 1617152961, /* n=30 */ 2541237149, /* n=31 */ 4847485412, /* n=32 */ /* bfile */ 9171340873, /* a(33) */ 15795226813, /* a(34) */ 20020973943, /* a(35) */ 39869603498, /* a(36) */ 74028396502, /* a(37) */ 79091378014, /* a(38) */ 80545682190, /* a(39) */ 168185721297, /* a(40) */ 971825121269, /* a(41) */ 1622801529123, /* a(42) */ 2121667242973, /* a(43) */ 2217254553455, /* a(44) */ 2417405690903 /* a(45) */ }; static void check_A372707 (int n, uint64_t x, const char *where) { if (n < 0) error("oops, check_A372707() is for n>=0\n"); if (n >= numberof(A372707_data)) { if (option_verbose) printf(" (beyond sample data)\n"); return; } if (x == A372707_data[n]) { if (option_verbose) printf(" (%sgood vs sample data)\n", where); return; } error("oops %sn=%d, got %"PRIu64" want %"PRIu64"\n", where, n, x, A372707_data[n]); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static inline uint64_t step_by_div (uint64_t x) { assert (x != 0); return (uint64_2pow_mod_by_div (x,x)); } static inline uint64_t step_by_redc (uint64_t x) { /* REDC is for odd modulus. If x even then shift it down to Xodd = x >> shift. Then calculate in exponent Eodd = x - shift; Resulting power is Yodd == 2^Eodd mod Xodd. y = Yodd * 2^shift is then y == 2^x mod x. */ assert (x != 0); int shift = uint64_count_trailing_zeros(x); return (uint64_2pow_mod_odd_by_redc (x - shift, x >> shift) << shift); } static inline uint64_t step (uint64_t x) { #if USE_REDC return (step_by_redc(x)); #else return (step_by_div(x)); #endif } /* Number of steps x -> step(x) needed for x to reach 0. */ static int num_steps_of_x (uint64_t x) { int n; for (n=0; x != 0; n++) x = step(x); return (n); } /* Check that each A372707_data[n] does reach 1 after n steps. */ static void check_A372707_data_vs_num_steps (void) { int n; for (n=1; n < numberof(A372707_data); n++) { uint64_t x = A372707_data[n]; int got_n = num_steps_of_x(x); if (n != got_n) error("oops, A372707_data[] n=%d is x=%"PRIu64" but only takes %d steps\n", n, x, got_n); } if (option_verbose) printf("A372707_data[] good vs num_steps_of_x()\n"); } /* Return 1 if x requires n steps to reach 0. */ static inline int is_n_steps (int n, uint64_t x) { DEBUG(printf("is_n_steps() n=%d x=%"PRIu64" within a_len = %zu\n", n, x, a_len)); assert (n>=0); assert (n == a_len); last_num_x++; for ( ; LIKELY(n > 0); n--) { /* want n more steps */ DEBUG(printf(" at n=%d x=%"PRIu64"\n", n, x)); if (UNLIKELY(x==0)) { DEBUG(printf(" no, reached 0 before n steps\n")); return (0); } x = step(x); last_num_steps++; assert (0 <= n-1 && n-1 < a_len); if (LIKELY (x < a[n-1])) { DEBUG(printf(" no, x=%"PRIu64" < a(n-1) = %"PRIu64"\n", x, a[n-1])); return(0); } } DEBUG(printf(" yes\n")); return (1); } void show_configuration (void) { static int done = 0; if (option_verbose && ! done) { done = 1; #ifdef __GNUC__ printf("Have __GNUC__\n"); #else printf("Not __GNUC__\n"); #endif printf("assert()s %s\n", WANT_ASSERT ? "enabled" : "disabled"); printf("LONGLONG_MACROS_TYPE = %s\n", LONGLONG_MACROS_TYPE); printf("USE_REDC %d\n", USE_REDC); } else { assert (printf("assert()s enabled\n")); } } static void output (int n, uint64_t x) { printf("%d %"PRIu64"\n", n, x); check_A372707 (n,x, ""); ferror_die (stdout, "stdout", "writing"); } /* Look for a(n) and onwards, with first candidate x. Must have a_len = n, meaning preceding a[0..n-1] all known. */ void search_from (int n, uint64_t x) { /* step(x) is a strictly decreasing function of x so that a(n) is a strictly increasing function of n. So it's enough to seek a single target next n. */ if (option_verbose) printf("search from n=%d x=%"PRIu64"\n", n,x); if (n > option_maxn) return; if (a_len != n) error("oops, search_from() must have a[0..n-1]\n"); for ( ; LIKELY( (x & UINT64_HIGHBIT)==0 ); x++) { if (UNLIKELY(flag_interrupt)) { flag_interrupt = 0; save (n, x); if (flag_terminate) return; } if (is_n_steps (n, x)) { output (n, x); if (n >= option_maxn) return; set_a (n, x); n++; } } error ("stop, x bigger than 63 bits\n"); } void resume (void) { if (option_verbose) printf("resume from %s\n", saved_state_filename); FILE *fp = fopen_or_die (saved_state_filename, "r"); int n; uint64_t x; if (fscanf(fp, "n = %d\nx = %"SCNu64"\n", &n, &x) != 2) error("%s format unrecognised\n", saved_state_filename); int i; uint64_t prev; while (fscanf(fp, "%d %"SCNu64"\n", &i, &prev) == 2) { if (option_verbose) printf("resume a(%d) = %"PRIu64"\n", i, prev); check_A372707 (i,prev, "resume data "); set_a (i,prev); } if (n != i+1) error("%s previous terms should end at n-1 = %d\n", saved_state_filename, n-1); ferror_die (fp, saved_state_filename, "reading"); fclose_or_die (fp, saved_state_filename); search_from (n, x); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { DEBUG (option_verbose = 1); setbuf(stdout,NULL); init_mod16bits_inverse_table(); init_save(); int option_resume = 0; int i, endpos; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if (strcmp(arg,"-v")==0) { option_verbose++; } else if (strcmp(arg,"start")==0) { option_resume = 0; } else if (strcmp(arg,"resume")==0) { option_resume = 1; } else if (sscanf(arg, "maxn=%d%n", &option_maxn, &endpos) == 1 && endpos == strlen(arg)) { } else { error("Unrecognised command line option: %s\n", arg); } } show_configuration(); check_A372707_data_vs_num_steps(); if (option_resume) resume(); else search_from (0,0); return(0); }