Numbers k in A052294 with arithmetic derivative k' (A003415) in A052294.
6, 9, 10, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 49, 52, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 76, 80, 84, 88, 91, 93, 94, 96, 100, 104, 110, 115, 117, 118, 121, 132, 133, 134, 138, 140, 143, 144, 145, 148, 152, 155, 158, 164, 174, 182, 185, 186, 188, 192
If p > 2 is in A092506 then m = 2*p and u = 4*p are terms. Indeed, if p = 2^k + 1, k >= 1, m = 2*(2^k + 1) = 2^(k+1) + 2^1 has two 1's in its binary expansion, and m' = p+2 = 2^k + 3 = 2^k + 2^1 + 1 has three 1's in its binary expansion. Similarly u = 4*(2^k + 1) = 2^(k+2) + 2^2 and u' = 4*p + 4 = 2^(k+2) + 2^3.
If p is in A057733 then the number m = 2*p is a term. Indeed, if p = 2^k + 3, k >= 1, m = 2*(2^k + 3) = 2^(k+1) + 2^2 + 2 has three 1's in its binary expansion, and m' = p+2 = 2^k + 5 = 2^k + 2^2 + 1 has three 1's in its binary expansion.
If p > 7 is in A057733 then the number m = 4*p is a term. Indeed, if p = 2^k + 3, k >= 3, m = 4*(2^k + 3) = 2^(k+2) + 2^3 + 2 has three 1's in its binary expansion, and m' = 4*(p + 1) = 4*(2^k + 4) = 2^(k+2) + 2^4 has two 1's in its binary expansion.
If p is in A123250 then the number m = 4*p is a term. Indeed, if p = 2^k + 5, k >= 1, m = 4*(2^k + 5) = 2^(k+2) + 2^4 + 2^2 has three 1's its binary expansion, and m' = 4*(p+1) = 4*(2^k + 6) = 2^(k+2) + 2^4 + 2^2 has three 1's in its binary expansion.
If p is in A104070 then the number m = 4*p is a term. Indeed, if p = 2^k + 9, k >= 1, m = 4*(2^k + 9) = 2^(k+2) + 2^5 + 2^2 has three 1's its binary expansion, and m' = 4*(p+1) = 4*(2^k + 10) = 2^(k+2) + 2^5 + 2^3 has three 1's in its binary expansion.
6 = 110_2 has two 1's, 6' = 5 = 101_2 has two 1's, so 6 is a term.
9 = 101_2 has two 1's, 9' = 6 = 110_2 has two 1's, so 9 is a term.
10 = 1010_2 has two 1's, 10' = 7 = 111_2 has three 1's, so 10 is a term.
18 = 10010_2 has two 1's, 18' = 21 = 10101_2 has three 1's, so 18 is a term.
pernQ[n_] := PrimeQ[DigitCount[n, 2, 1]]; d[0] = d[1] = 0; d[n_] := n*Plus @@ ((Last[#]/First[#]) & /@ FactorInteger[n]); Select[Range[200], And @@ pernQ[{#, d[#]}] &] (* Amiram Eldar, Jul 10 2023 *)
(Magma) fp:=func<n|IsPrime(Multiplicity(Intseq(n, 2), 1)) >; f:=func<n |n le 1
select 0 else n*(&+[Factorisation(n)[i][2] / Factorisation(n)[i][1]: i in
[1..#Factorisation(n)]])>; [n:n in [1..200]| fp(n) and fp(Floor(f(n)))];
Marius A. Burtea, Jul 08 2023