%I #3 Apr 12 2023 10:20:50
%S 1,1,13,68,399,2530,16965,118668,857956,6369883,48336171
%N Erroneous version of A000260.
%C Included in accordance with OEIS policy of including published but erroneous sequences to serve as pointers to the correct versions.
%H K. A. Penson, K. Górska, A. Horzela, and G. H. E. Duchamp, <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.06574">Hausdorff moment problem for combinatorial numbers of Brown and Tutte: exact solution</a>, arXiv:2209.06574 [math.CO], 2022.
%K dead
%O 0,3