Numbers k such that the least j >= k for which k and A276086(j) are coprime is a nontrivial multiple of k, where A276086 is the primorial base exp-function.

%I #13 Nov 04 2022 11:27:03

%S 3,10,15,35,42,70,77,105,154,231,286,330,385,429,462,715,770,858,1001,

%T 1155,1430,2002,2145,2431,2730,3003,3094,3315,4199,4290,4641,4862,

%U 5005,6006,6630,7293,7735,8398,9282,10010,12155,12597,14586,15015,15470,17017,20995,23205,24310,25194,29393,33915,34034,35530,36465

%N Numbers k such that the least j >= k for which k and A276086(j) are coprime is a nontrivial multiple of k, where A276086 is the primorial base exp-function.

%C Numbers k such that k divides A356309(k) and A356309(k) > k.

%C Numbers k for which A356302(k) is a nonzero multiple of k.

%H <a href="/index/Pri#primorialbase">Index entries for sequences related to primorial base</a>

%o (PARI) isA356318(n) = { my(u=A356302(n)); (u && !(u%n)); }; \\ Needs also code from A356302.

%Y Setwise difference A356316 \ A324583. Intersection of A324584 and A356316.

%Y Cf. A276086, A356162, A356302, A356309, A356315, A356319.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Nov 04 2022