Composite numbers k such that the multiplicative order of 2 modulo lpf(2^k-1) is k, where lpf = least prime factor.

%I #17 Jan 23 2025 00:29:37

%S 169,221,323,611,779,793,923,1121,1159,1271,1273,1349,1513,1717,1829,

%T 1919,2033,2077,2201,2413,2533,2603,2759,2951,3097,3131,3173,3193,

%U 3281,3379,3599,3721,3791,3937,3953,4043,4223,4309,4331,4607,4619,4867,4883,4981,5111

%N Composite numbers k such that the multiplicative order of 2 modulo lpf(2^k-1) is k, where lpf = least prime factor.

%C Obviously, if p is a prime, then the multiplicative order of 2 modulo lpf(2^p-1) is p.

%C It is easy to see that this is a subsequence of A292559 and A322568, so this sequence is included in the intersection of those two sequences. The inclusion is proper. 68231 is in A292559 and A322568 but not in this sequence: lpf(2^68231-1) = 136463 = 2*68231 + 1, the multiplicative order of 2 modulo 136463 is 2201 = 31 * 71 < 68231.

%C A semiprime in A322568 is in this sequence by definition. 20519, 48263, 63023, 138263, 216239, 341651, 421259, 480323 are examples of terms that are not semiprimes.

%C Every term is coprime to 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 23.

%e 169 is a term since the least prime factor of 2^169 - 1 is 4057, and the multiplicative order of 2 modulo 4057 is 169.

%e 323 is a term since the least prime factor of 2^323 - 1 is 647, and the multiplicative order of 2 modulo 647 is 323.

%e 1343 is not a term since the least prime factor of 2^1343 - 1 is 2687, and the multiplicative order of 2 modulo 2687 is 79 < 1343.

%o (PARI) b(n) = forprime(p=3, oo, if(n % znorder(Mod(2,p))==0, return(p)))

%o isA350381(n) = !isprime(n) && (n>1) && znorder(Mod(2,b(n)))==n \\ Warning: this program can only give the first 7 terms.

%Y Cf. A049479 (lpf(2^n-1)), A292559, A322568.

%K nonn,hard

%O 1,1

%A _Jianing Song_, Dec 28 2021

%E More terms from _Jinyuan Wang_, Jan 22 2025