An array A of the positive odd numbers, read by antidiagonals upwards, giving the present triangle T.
1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 21, 9, 29, 53, 85, 11, 37, 117, 213, 341, 15, 45, 149, 469, 853, 1365, 17, 61, 181, 597, 1877, 3413, 5461, 19, 69, 245, 725, 2389, 7509, 13653, 21845, 23, 77, 277, 981, 2901, 9557, 30037, 54613, 87381, 25, 93, 309, 1109, 3925, 11605, 38229, 120149, 218453, 349525
For the definition of this array A see the formula section.
The rows of A appear in a draft by Immmo O. Kerner in eqs. (1) and (2) as so-called horizontal sequences (horizontale Folgen). Thanks to Dr. A. Eckert for sending me this paper.
This array with entry A(k, n) becomes equal to the array T with T(n, k) given in A178415 by using a permutation of the rows, and changing the offset: A(k, n) = T(pe(k), n+1), with pe(3*(L+1)) = 4*(L+1), pe(1+3*L) = 1 + 2*L, pe(2+3*L) = 2*(1 + 2*L), for L >= 0. This permutation appears in A265667.
A proper sub-array is A238475(n, k) = A(1 + 3*(k-1), n-1), for k >= 1 and n >= 1.
In the directed Collatz tree with nodes labeled with only positive odd numbers (see A256598 for the paths), here called CTodd, the level L = 0 (on the top) has the node with label 1 as root. Because 1 -> 1 there is an arrow (a 1-cycle or loop) at the root. The level L = 1 consists of the nodes with labels A(1, n), for n >= 1, and each node is connected to 1 by a downwards directed arrow. The next levels for L >= 2 are obtained using the successor rule (used also by Kerner): S(u) = (4*u - 1)/3 if u == 1 (mod 3), (2*u - 1)/3 if u == 5 (mod 3), and there is no successor S(u) = empty if u = 3 (mod 6), that is, this node is a leaf.
However, each node with label u on level L >= 1, except a leaf, has as successors at level L + 1 not only the node with S(u) but all the nodes with labels A(S(u), n), for n >= 0.
In this way each node (also the root) of this CTodd has in-degree 1 and infinite out-degree (for L >= 2 there are infinitely many infinite outgoing arrows). All nodes with label A(k, n) with n >= 1, have the same precursor as the node A(k,0) in this tree for each k >= 1.
Except for the loop (1-cycle) for the root 1 there are no cycles in this directed tree CTodd.
That each number N = 5 + 8*K, for K >= 0 appears in array A for some column n >= 1 uniquely can be proved, using the fact of strictly increasing rows and columns, by showing that the columns n = 1, 2, ..., c contain all positive integers congruent to 5 modulo 8 except those of the positive congruence class A(1, c+1) modulo 2^(2*c+3) by induction on c. [added Dec 05 2021]
Row index k for numbers congruent to 5 modulo 8: Each number N = 5 + 8*K, for K >= 0, from A004770 is a member of row k of the array A starting with element A(k, 0) = (2*A065883(2 + 3*N) - 1)/3. For this surjective map see A347840. [simplified Dec 05 2021]
The Collatz conjecture can be reduced to the conjecture that in this rooted and directed tree CTodd each positive odd number appears as a label once, that is, all entries of the array A appear.
Array A:
A(k, 0) = A047529(k) (the positive odd numbers {1, 3, 7} (mod 8));
A(k, n) = ((3* A(k, 0) + 1)*4^n - 1)/3, for k >= 1 and n >= 0.
Recurrence for rows k >= 1: A(k, n) = 4*A(k, n-1) + 1, for n >= 1, with A(k, 0) = 2*(k + floor(k/3)) - 1 = A047529(k).
Explicit form: A(k, n) = ((3*(k + floor(k/3)) - 1)*4^(n+1) - 2)/6, k >= 1, n >= 0. Here 3*(k + floor(k/3)) = A319451(k).
Hence A(k, n) = 5 + 8*(2*A(k, n-2)), for n >= 1, with A(k, 0) = 2*(k + floor(k/3)) - 1 = A047529(k), and 2*A(k, -1) = (A(k, 1) - 5)/8 = k - 1 + floor(k/3) (equals index n of A(k, 1) in the sequence (A004770(n+1))_{n >= 0}). A(k, -1) is half-integer if k = A007494(m) = m + ceiling(m/2), for m >= 1, and A(k, -1) = 2*K if k = 1 + 3*K = A016777(K), for K >= 0.
O.g.f.: expansion in z gives o.g.f.s for rows k, also for k = 0: -A007583; expansion in x gives o.g.f.s for columns n.
G(z, x) = (2*(-1 + 3*z + 3*z^2 + 7*z^3)*(1-x) - (1-4*x)*(1-z^3)) / (3*(1-x)*(1-4*x)*(1-z)*(1-z^3)).
Triangle T:
T(k, n) = A(k - n, n), for k >= 1 and n = 0..k-1.
A(k, n) = [x^n] (1/(x - 1) - A047395(k)) / (4*x - 1). - Peter Luschny, Oct 09 2021
The array A(k, n) begins:
k\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
1: 1 5 21 85 341 1365 5461 21845 87381 349525 1398101
2: 3 13 53 213 853 3413 13653 54613 218453 873813 3495253
3: 7 29 117 469 1877 7509 30037 120149 480597 1922389 7689557
4: 9 37 149 597 2389 9557 38229 152917 611669 2446677 9786709
5: 11 45 181 725 2901 11605 46421 185685 742741 2970965 11883861
6: 15 61 245 981 3925 15701 62805 251221 1004885 4019541 16078165
7: 17 69 277 1109 4437 17749 70997 283989 1135957 4543829 18175317
8: 19 77 309 1237 4949 19797 79189 316757 1267029 5068117 20272469
9: 23 93 373 1493 5973 23893 95573 382293 1529173 6116693 24466773
10: 25 101 405 1621 6485 25941 103765 415061 1660245 6640981 26563925
The triangle T(k, n) begins:
k\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
1: 1
2: 3 5
3: 7 13 21
4: 9 29 53 85
5: 11 37 117 213 341
6: 15 45 149 469 853 1365
7: 17 61 181 597 1877 3413 5461
8: 19 69 245 725 2389 7509 13653 21845
9: 23 77 277 981 2901 9557 30037 54613 87381
10: 25 93 309 1109 3925 11605 38229 120149 218453 349525
Row index k of array A, for entries 5 (mod 8).
213 = 5 + 8*26. K = 28 is even, (3*231+1)/16 = 40, A065883(40) = 10, hence A(k, 0) = N' = (10-1)/3 = 3, and k = 2. Moreover, n = log_4((3*213 + 1)/(3*A(2,0) + 1)) = log_4(64) = 3. 213 = A(2, 3).
85 = 5 + 8*10. K = 10 is even, (3*85 + 1)/16 = 16, A065883(16) = 1, N' = (1-1)/3 = 0 is even, hence A(k, 0) = 4*0 + 1 = 1, k = 1. 85 = A(1, 3).
61 = 5 + 8*7, K = 7 is odd, k = (7+1)/2 + ceiling((7+1)/4) = 6, and n = log_4((3*61 + 1)/(3*A(6,0) + 1)) = 1. 61 = A(6, 1).
# Seen as an array:
A := (n, k) -> ((3*(n + floor(n/3)) - 1)*4^(k+1) - 2)/6:
for n from 1 to 6 do seq(A(n, k), k = 0..9) od;
# Seen as a triangle:
T := (n, k) -> 2^(2*k + 1)*(floor((n - k)/3) - k + n - 1/3) - 1/3:
for n from 1 to 9 do seq(T(n, k), k = 0..n-1) od;
# Using row expansion:
gf_row := k -> (1 / (x - 1) - A047395(k)) / (4*x - 1):
for k from 1 to 10 do seq(coeff(series(gf_row(k), x, 11), x, n), n = 0..10) od;
# Peter Luschny, Oct 09 2021
Row sequences of the array A, also diagonal sequences of the triangle T: -A007583 (k=0), A002450(n+1), A072197, A072261(n+1), A206374(n+1), A072262(n+1), A072262(n+1), A072201(n+1), A330246(n+1), ...
Column sequences of the array A, also of the triangle T (shifted): A047529, A347836, A347837, ...
Sequence in context: A180450 A051507 A173145 * A060274 A345130 A005235
Wolfdieter Lang, Sep 20 2021