%I #36 Jan 09 2023 21:30:21
%S 1797595814863,2375065608481,4465545586753,21818228348093,
%T 67696772430071,82116093014611,155947272322087,161980267642951,
%U 169560139541641,202619277419161,285719200081877,299828814652799,314942862282899,365706921997577
%N Prime starting a sequence of 20 consecutive primes with symmetrical gaps about the center.
%H Tomáš Brada, Natalia Makarova, <a href="https://boinc.tbrada.eu/forum_thread.php?id=3058">Symmetric Prime Tuples project</a>
%H Natalia Makarova, <a href="https://boinc.progger.info/odlk/forum_thread.php?id=49&postid=6251">About Stop@home project</a>
%H Natalia Makarova and Carlos Rivera, <a href="https://www.primepuzzles.net/problems/prob_062.htm">Problem 62. Symmetric k-tuples of consecutive primes</a>, The Prime Puzzles and Problems Connection.
%F Primes p = prime(k) = A000040(k) such that A359440(k+9) >= 9. - _Peter Munn_, Jan 09 2023
%Y Cf. A000040, A055381, A055382, A064101, A081235, A175309, A335044, A335394, A336967, A336968, A359440.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Tomáš Brada_, Sep 20 2020