%I #28 Mar 15 2020 13:36:48
%S 3,4,6,3,2,3,3,6,2,2,7,8,5,8,0,9,2,2,0,6,4,8,5,6,5,5,2,1,8,0,8,8,6,7,
%T 7,2,1,1,3,5,4,5,4,5,4,6,8,2,8,2,1,0,3,8,0,1,4,4,5,1,7,3,6,9,5,1,6,0,
%U 8,4,4,7,3,1,3,5,9,3,5,9,7,7,2,3,7,3,9,6,6,7,5,2,0,7,7,3,1,9,8,9
%N Decimal expansion of the number x that satisfies x^x = 2x as well as x != 2.
%F x^x = 2x, x != 2.
%e 0.34632336227858092206485655218088677211354545468282...
%t RealDigits[x/.FindRoot[-2 x + x^x == 0, {x, 1/2}, WorkingPrecision -> 120]][[1]] (* _Michael De Vlieger_, Mar 14 2020 *)
%o (PARI) solve(x=0.1, 1, x^x-2*x) \\ _Michel Marcus_, Mar 15 2020
%Y Cf. A030798.
%K nonn,cons
%O 0,1
%A _Wyatt Porter_, Mar 14 2020