Number of compositions of n whose run-lengths are not weakly increasing.

%I #15 Dec 31 2020 19:17:10

%S 0,0,0,0,1,4,8,24,55,128,282,625,1336,2855,6000,12551,26022,53744,

%T 110361,225914,460756,937413,1902370,3853445,7791647,15732468,

%U 31725191,63907437,128613224,258626480,519700800,1043690354,2094882574,4202903667,8428794336,16897836060

%N Number of compositions of n whose run-lengths are not weakly increasing.

%C A composition of n is a finite sequence of positive integers summing to n.

%C Also compositions whose run-lengths are not weakly decreasing.

%H Andrew Howroyd, <a href="/A332871/b332871.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..1000</a>

%F a(n) = 2^(n - 1) - A332836(n).

%e The a(4) = 1 through a(6) = 8 compositions:

%e (112) (113) (114)

%e (221) (1113)

%e (1112) (1131)

%e (1121) (1221)

%e (2112)

%e (11112)

%e (11121)

%e (11211)

%e For example, the composition (2,1,1,2) has run-lengths (1,2,1), which are not weakly increasing, so (2,1,1,2) is counted under a(6).

%t Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n],!LessEqual@@Length/@Split[#]&]],{n,0,10}]

%Y The version for the compositions themselves (not run-lengths) is A056823.

%Y The version for unsorted prime signature is A112769, with dual A071365.

%Y The case without weakly decreasing run-lengths either is A332833.

%Y The complement is counted by A332836.

%Y Compositions that are not unimodal are A115981.

%Y Compositions with equal run-lengths are A329738.

%Y Compositions whose run-lengths are not unimodal are A332727.

%Y Cf. A001523, A072704, A100883, A181819, A329744, A329766, A332641, A332669, A332726, A332745, A332746, A332834, A332835.

%K nonn

%O 0,6

%A _Gus Wiseman_, Feb 29 2020

%E Terms a(21) and beyond from _Andrew Howroyd_, Dec 30 2020