Table showing number of ways to "mitose" a convex n-gon. Scott R. Shannon and N. J. A. Sloane Last revised Dec 18 2021 The lists for n <= 6 are complete, and n = 7 is probably complete. This list gives the number of different cell counts for mitosing a convex polygon with n sides. There are often two or more different polygons that have the same cell counts. n=3: 3.1: 3^1 (1 cell) n=4: 4.1: 3^4 (4 cells) n=5: 5.1: 3^10 5^1 (11 cells) n=6: 6.1: 3^18 4^6 (24 cells) 6.2: 3^19 4^3 5^3 (25 cells) n=7: At present 11 different cell counts are known for 7-gons. We are moderately confident the list is complete. 7a 3^35 4^7 5^7 7^1 (50 cells) 7b 3^33 4^10 5^6 6^1 (50 cells) 7c 3^32 4^11 5^7 (50 cells) 7d 3^31 4^13 5^6 (50 cells) 7e 3^34 4^9 5^5 6^1 (49 cells) 7f 3^32 4^12 5^5 (49 cells) 7g 3^31 4^14 5^4 (49 cells) 7h 3^33 4^11 5^4 (48 cells) 7i 3^31 4^15 5^2 (48 cells) 7j 3^30 4^16 5^3 (49 cells) 7k 3^32 4^14 5^1 (47 cells) The total number of cells here is 50 minus the number of interior triple intersection points. 7e, 7i, 7j, and 7k were found by M. F. Hasler.