BII-numbers of finite T_0 topologies without their empty set.
0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 24, 25, 34, 40, 42, 69, 70, 71, 81, 85, 87, 88, 89, 93, 98, 102, 103, 104, 106, 110, 120, 121, 122, 127, 128, 257, 384, 385, 514, 640, 642, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1281, 1285, 1287, 1408, 1409, 1413, 1538, 1542, 1543, 1664, 1666, 1670, 1920
A set-system is a finite set of finite nonempty sets. The dual of a set-system has, for each vertex, one edge consisting of the indices (or positions) of the edges containing that vertex. For example, the dual of {{1,2},{2,3}} is {{1},{1,2},{2}}. The T_0 condition means that the dual is strict (no repeated edges).
A binary index of n is any position of a 1 in its reversed binary expansion. The binary indices of n are row n of A048793. We define the set-system with BII-number n to be obtained by taking the binary indices of each binary index of n. Every finite set of finite nonempty sets has a different BII-number. For example, 18 has reversed binary expansion (0,1,0,0,1), and since the binary indices of 2 and 5 are {2} and {1,3} respectively, the BII-number of {{2},{1,3}} is 18. Elements of a set-system are sometimes called edges.
The sequence of all finite T_0 topologies without their empty set together with their BII-numbers begins:
0: {}
1: {{1}}
2: {{2}}
5: {{1},{1,2}}
6: {{2},{1,2}}
7: {{1},{2},{1,2}}
8: {{3}}
17: {{1},{1,3}}
24: {{3},{1,3}}
25: {{1},{3},{1,3}}
34: {{2},{2,3}}
40: {{3},{2,3}}
42: {{2},{3},{2,3}}
69: {{1},{1,2},{1,2,3}}
70: {{2},{1,2},{1,2,3}}
71: {{1},{2},{1,2},{1,2,3}}
81: {{1},{1,3},{1,2,3}}
85: {{1},{1,2},{1,3},{1,2,3}}
87: {{1},{2},{1,2},{1,3},{1,2,3}}
88: {{3},{1,3},{1,2,3}}
bpe[n_]:=Join@@Position[Reverse[IntegerDigits[n, 2]], 1];
Select[Range[0, 1000], UnsameQ@@dual[bpe/@bpe[#]]&&SubsetQ[bpe/@bpe[#], Union[Union@@@Tuples[bpe/@bpe[#], 2], DeleteCases[Intersection@@@Tuples[bpe/@bpe[#], 2], {}]]]&]
T_0 topologies are A001035, with unlabeled version A000112.
BII-numbers of topologies without their empty set are A326876.
BII-numbers of T_0 set-systems are A326947.
Sequence in context: A246263 A191205 A043047 * A271107 A014355 A048972
Gus Wiseman, Aug 14 2019