Number of permutations p of [n] such that eight is the maximum of the number of elements in any integer interval [p(i)..i+n*[i<p(i)]].

%I #4 Mar 10 2019 13:37:42

%S 25487,90109,313227,1075779,3664639,12428079,42093128,142688017,

%T 483906047,1638376021,5541334459,18729561715,63275481431,213681064592,

%U 721310561099,2433924343697,8209820143631,27683715067731,93324018400711,314521905629719,1059754354487392

%N Number of permutations p of [n] such that eight is the maximum of the number of elements in any integer interval [p(i)..i+n*[i<p(i)]].

%Y Column k=8 of A324563.

%K nonn

%O 8,1

%A _Alois P. Heinz_, Mar 09 2019