%I #13 Jul 23 2019 11:44:12
%S 1330,2660,3850,5320,6650,7700,10640,11270,13300,14950,15400,18550,
%T 19250,21280,22540,26600,29900,30800,33250,37100,38500,42560,45080,
%U 53200,59800,61600,66500,73370,74200,74750,77000,78890,85120,90160,92750,96250,106400,119600
%N Lesser of amicable pair m < n defined by t(n) = m and t(m) = n where t(n) = psi(n) - n and psi(n) = A001615(n) is the Dedekind psi function.
%C t(n) = psi(n) - n is the sum of aliquot divisors of n, d, such that n/d is squarefree. Penney & Pomerance proposed a problem to show that the "pseudo-aliquot" sequence related to this function is unbounded. This sequence lists number with pseudo-aliquot sequence of cycle 2. The sequence that is analogous to perfect numbers is A033845.
%H Amiram Eldar, <a href="/A323329/b323329.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>
%H Kevin Brown and Charles Vanden Eynden, <a href="https://www.jstor.org/stable/2974888">Pseudo-aliquot Sequences, Solution to Problem 10323</a>, The American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 103, No. 8 (1996), pp. 697-698.
%H David E. Penney and Carl Pomerance, <a href="https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2323896">Problem 10323</a>, The American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 100, No. 7 (1993), p. 688.
%t psi[n_] := n*Times@@(1+1/Transpose[FactorInteger[n]][[1]]); t[n_]:= psi[n] - n; s={}; Do[n=t[m]; If[n>m && t[n]==m, AppendTo[s,m]], {m, 1, 120000}]; s
%Y Cf. A001615, A002025, A033845 (Dedekind psi perfect numbers), A323327, A323328, A323330.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Amiram Eldar_, Jan 11 2019