Denominators of a Boas-Buck sequence for the triangular Sheffer matrix S2[3,1] = A282629.

%I #9 Nov 16 2018 04:54:06

%S 2,4,1,80,1,1120,1,44800,1,197120,1,1793792000,1,102502400,1,

%T 4879114240000,1,259568877568000,1,40789395046400000,1,

%U 238803367362560000,1,9561686829196902400000,1,1050734816395264000000,1,7922540515620290560000000,1,52951091790199773986816000000

%N Denominators of a Boas-Buck sequence for the triangular Sheffer matrix S2[3,1] = A282629.

%C The numerators are given A321329.

%C For the rationals beta see the example in A321329. The sequence alpha = {1, repeat(0)}.

%C For the Boas-Buck recurrence see A282629.

%F a(n) = denominator(beta(n)), with beta(n) = (-3)^{n+1}* B(n+1)/(n+1)!, where B(n) = A027641(n)/A027642(n) (Bernoulli).

%F The g.f. for {beta(n)}_{n>=0} is given in A321329.

%t a[n_] := Denominator[(-3)^(n+1)*BernoulliB[n+1]/(n+1)!]; Array[a, 30, 0] (* _Amiram Eldar_, Nov 15 2018 *)

%Y Cf. A027641/A027642, A282629, A321329.

%K nonn,frac,easy

%O 0,1

%A _Wolfdieter Lang_, Nov 15 2018