Apply the morphism X -> XYX, where Y=1 if X contains an odd number of 1's, otherwise Y = 2 n times to 12, and concatenate the resulting string.

%I #8 Aug 22 2018 20:37:07

%S 12,12212,12212112212,12212112212112212112212,

%T 12212112212112212112212212212112212112212112212,

%U 12212112212112212112212212212112212112212112212112212112212112212112212212212112212112212112212

%N Apply the morphism X -> XYX, where Y=1 if X contains an odd number of 1's, otherwise Y = 2 n times to 12, and concatenate the resulting string.

%D Karamanos, Kostas. "From symbolic dynamics to a digital approach." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11.06 (2001): 1683-1694. (Full version. See p. 1685)

%D Karamanos, K. (2000). From symbolic dynamics to a digital approach: chaos and transcendence. In Michel Planat (Ed.), Noise, Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness (Lecture Notes in Physics, pp. 357-371). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (Short version. See p. 359)

%Y The limit of the terms is A317960.

%Y A317959 is the same sequence over the alphabet {1,0}.

%K nonn

%O 0,1

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Aug 22 2018