Position of start of first occurrence of palindromic prime(n) after the decimal point in expansion of Pi.

%I #6 Jul 25 2019 11:47:57

%S 6,9,4,13,94,852,1096,393,728,1944,858,934,5229,25,405,631,647,1259,

%T 416,1853,78246,182558,13736,53100,38835,58726,54516,97930,8827,11000,

%U 69516,5795,183115,161674,320336,41934,55891,71399,65195,189109,21045,49012

%N Position of start of first occurrence of palindromic prime(n) after the decimal point in expansion of Pi.

%e First occurrence of palindromic prime(5) = 11 starts at the 94th digit after the decimal point, hence a(5) = 94.

%o (SageMath)

%o def postionInPi(n):

%o return str(N(pi, 2000000))[1:].find(str(n))

%o [ postionInPi(i) for i in A002385[0:200] ]

%Y Cf. A002385, A037024, A000796, A014777.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Hauke Löffler_, Jul 24 2019