Numbers k such that the Reverse and Add! trajectory of k (presumably) does not reach a palindrome and does not join the trajectory or one of the reverse numbers of the trajectory of any term m < k.

%I #12 Jul 21 2021 00:43:20

%S 196,879,1997,7059,10553,10563,10577,10583,10585,10638,10663,10668,

%T 10697,10715,10728,10735,10746,10748,10783,10785,10787,10788,10877,

%U 10883,10963,10965,10977,10983,10985,12797,12898,13097,13197,13694,14096,14698,15297,15597,16999,18598,18798,19098,20459

%N Numbers k such that the Reverse and Add! trajectory of k (presumably) does not reach a palindrome and does not join the trajectory or one of the reverse numbers of the trajectory of any term m < k.

%C The starting number k and its reverse are regarded as part of the trajectory, so palindromes are excluded from the sequence.

%C Sequence A063048 is similarly defined, except that we here include also the reverse numbers, which results in almost the same sequence as A063048.

%C The first difference is obtained for 10969 which is in A063048 but not in this sequence, due to the fact that the reversed number after the first iteration, 78701 is the reverse of 10787.

%C As a result, 16999 is included in this sequence while it is excluded in A063048, due to the fact that its number after the second iteration is 186571, which equals the number after the second iteration of 10969.

%Y Cf. A063048.

%K base,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _A.H.M. Smeets_, Jan 30 2019