Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.
n | a(n) |
1 | 4 |
2 | 18 |
3 | 52 |
4 | 148 |
5 | 441 |
6 | 1372 |
7 | 4326 |
8 | 13641 |
9 | 42741 |
10 | 133208 |
11 | 414303 |
12 | 1289070 |
13 | 4015530 |
14 | 12519594 |
15 | 39044533 |
16 | 121754095 |
17 | 379591807 |
18 | 1183290025 |
19 | 3688511653 |
20 | 11498007929 |
21 | 35843459506 |
22 | 111739411177 |
23 | 348340800464 |
24 | 1085925223300 |
25 | 3385266114712 |
[4,18,52,148,441,1372,4326,13641,42741,133208, 414303,1289070,4015530,12519594,39044533, 121754095,379591807,1183290025,3688511653, 11498007929,35843459506,111739411177,348340800464, 1085925223300,3385266114712] |