# This is the b297622.txt text file. # A297622: Triangle read by rows: a(n,k) is the number of k X n matrices which are the first k rows of an alternating sign matrix of size n. # Dated 09 February 2018. 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 1 7 3 8 7 9 7 10 1 11 4 12 16 13 42 14 42 15 1 16 5 17 30 18 149 19 429 20 429 21 1 22 6 23 50 24 406 25 2394 26 7436 27 7436 28 1 29 7 30 77 31 938 32 9698 33 65910 34 218348 35 218348 36 1 37 8 38 112 39 1932 40 31920 41 403572 42 3096496 43 10850216 44 10850216 45 1 46 9 47 156 48 3654 49 90576 50 1931325 51 29020904 52 247587252 53 911835460 54 911835460 55 1 56 10 57 210 58 6468 59 229680 60 7722110 61 205140540 62 3586953760 63 33631201864 64 129534272700 65 129534272700 66 1 67 11 68 275 69 10857 70 532950 71 26884143 72 1176455566 73 37926354518 74 759200290095 75 7751006803975 76 31095744852375 77 31095744852375 78 1 79 12 80 352 81 17446 82 1150578 83 83789134 84 5730986404 85 316486208454 86 12131596869106 87 274437306367800 88 3028081265701200 89 12611311859677500 90 12611311859677500 91 1 92 13 93 442 94 27027 95 2339337 96 238440917 97 24468723305 98 2191102999826 99 149070133357770 100 6684677938094730 101 169091654989707000 102 2003833329421232250 103 8639383518297652500 104 8639383518297652500 # This is the end of the b text file.