Number of nonequivalent (mod D_8) ways to place 3 points on an n X n point grid so that no point is equally distant from two other points on the same row or the same column.

%I #9 Jan 16 2018 03:15:31

%S 0,1,14,75,310,911,2373,5254,10824,20305,36300,61081,99294,154735,

%T 234955,345836,498848,702609,973674,1324135,1776950,2348511,3069649,

%U 3961970,5065800,6408961,8043048,10003189,12354174,15139615,18439575,22307416,26840704,32103905,38214470

%N Number of nonequivalent (mod D_8) ways to place 3 points on an n X n point grid so that no point is equally distant from two other points on the same row or the same column.

%C Rotations and reflections of placements are not counted. If they are to be counted see A296997.

%C The condition of placements is also known as "no 3-term arithmetic progressions".

%H Heinrich Ludwig, <a href="/A296996/b296996.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_11">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (3,1,-11,6,14,-14,-6,11,-1,-3,1).

%F a(n) = (n^6 -3*n^4 +5*n^3 -4*n^2 +4n)/48 + (n == 1 mod 2)*(8*n^3 -18n^2 +7*n)/48.

%F From _Colin Barker_, Jan 12 2018: (Start)

%F G.f.: x^2*(1 + 11*x + 32*x^2 + 82*x^3 + 54*x^4 + 57*x^5 + 2*x^6 + 2*x^7 - x^8) / ((1 - x)^7*(1 + x)^4).

%F a(n) = (n^6 - 3*n^4 + 5*n^3 - 4*n^2 + 4*n) / 48 for n even.

%F a(n) = (n^6 - 3*n^4 + 13*n^3 - 22*n^2 + 11*n) / 48 for n odd.

%F a(n) = 3*a(n-1) + a(n-2) - 11*a(n-3) + 6*a(n-4) + 14*a(n-5) - 14*a(n-6) - 6*a(n-7) + 11*a(n-8) - a(n-9) - 3*a(n-10) + a(n-11) for n>11.

%F (End)

%t Array[(#^6 - 3 #^4 + 5 #^3 - 4 #^2 + 4 #)/48 + Boole[OddQ@ #] (8 #^3 - 18 #^2 + 7 #)/48 &, 35] (* or *)

%t Rest@ CoefficientList[Series[x^2*(1 + 11 x + 32 x^2 + 82 x^3 + 54 x^4 + 57 x^5 + 2 x^6 + 2 x^7 - x^8)/((1 - x)^7*(1 + x)^4), {x, 0, 35}], x] (* _Michael De Vlieger_, Jan 12 2018 *)

%o (PARI) concat(0, Vec(x^2*(1 + 11*x + 32*x^2 + 82*x^3 + 54*x^4 + 57*x^5 + 2*x^6 + 2*x^7 - x^8) / ((1 - x)^7*(1 + x)^4) + O(x^40))) \\ _Colin Barker_, Jan 12 2018

%Y Cf. A296997.

%K nonn,easy

%O 1,3

%A _Heinrich Ludwig_, Jan 12 2018