Number of bilaterally asymmetric 8-hoops with n symbols.

%I #87 Feb 19 2024 04:37:53

%S 6,336,3795,23520,102795,355656,1039626,2674440,6223140,13354440,

%T 26807781,50885016,92095185,159981360,268161060,435614256,688255506,

%U 1060829280,1599170055,2362871280,3428409831,4892775096,6877654350

%N Number of bilaterally asymmetric 8-hoops with n symbols.

%C This is a corrected version of the entries in sequence A210769, which is copied from the third row of Table 2 (p. 381) in Williamson (1972). Apparently, in that row, there are probable typographical errors for the values of a(4) and a(7). The formula for a(n) can be obtained by letting z_1=z_2=...=z_8=n in equation (24) on p. 377 in Williamson (1972). In any case, to be certain, we provide a sketch of an independent derivation of the formula.

%C Bilaterally symmetric bracelets are also known as circular palindromes. This kind of necklaces was first studied by Sommerville (1909) in the context of circular compositions.

%C Consider sequence A081720, which contains the numbers T(n,k) that are the number of bracelets (turn over necklaces) with n beads each of which is colored with one of k colors. The g.f. for column k of that triangle is (1/2)*((k*x+k*(k+1)*x^2/2)/(1-k*x^2) - Sum_{n>=1} (phi(n)/n)*log(1-k*x^n)). The part of the g.f. that is the number of bilaterally symmetric bracelets with n beads of k colors is (k*x+k*(k+1)*x^2/2)/(1-k*x^2). Thus, for fixed k (= number of colors for sequence A081720), the g.f. of the number of bilaterally asymmetric bracelets with n beads of k colors is the difference between the two g.f.'s, that is, (1/2)*(-(k*x+k*(k+1)*x^2/2)/(1-k*x^2) - Sum_{n>=1} (phi(n)/n)*log(1-k*x^n)). The coefficient of x^8 in the Taylor expansion w.r.t. x (around x=0) for the latter g.f. gives the number of bilaterally asymmetric 8-hoops obtained using (up to) k symbols. Taking the 8th derivative w.r.t. x of the last g.f., evaluating at x=0, dividing by 8!, and replacing k with n, we get the formulae given below.

%H D. M. Y. Sommerville, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1112/plms/s2-7.1.263">On certain periodic properties of cyclic compositions of numbers</a>, Proc. London Math. Soc. S2-7(1) (1909), 263-313.

%H S. G. Williamson, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/0012-365X(72)90043-X">The combinatorial analysis of patterns and the principle of inclusion-exclusion</a>, Discrete Math. 1 (1972), 357-388.

%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_09">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (9,-36,84,-126,126,-84,36,-9,1).

%F a(n) = (1/16)*(n^3-n^2-2)*(n^2+n+2)*(n+1)*(n-1)*n = (n^8-4*n^5-3*n^4+2*n^2+4*n)/16.

%F a(n) = A060560(n) - A019583(n+1) = (A054622(n) - A019583(n+1))/2. (Notice that the offsets of the sequences in these formulae are not necessarily the same as the offset of the current sequence.)

%F G.f.: 3*(7*x^4 + 82*x^3 + 237*x^2 + 92*x + 2)*(x + 1)*x^2/(1-x)^9.

%F Recurrence: (1-Delta)^9 a(n) = 0, where Delta^m a(n) = a(n-m). Hence, a(n) = 9*a(n-1)-36*a(n-2)+84*a(n-3)-126*a(n-4)+126*a(n-5)-84*a(n-6)+36*a(n-7)-9*a(n-8)+a(n-9).

%F E.g.f.: exp(x)*x^2*(48 + 848*x + 1658*x^2 + 1046*x^3 + 266*x^4 + 28*x^5 + x^6)/16. - _Stefano Spezia_, Feb 18 2024

%e From the A060560(2) = 30 8-hoops (i.e., from the total number of ways of coloring the vertices of an octagon using up to n=2 colors, allowing for rotations and reflections), there are A019583(2+1) = 24 that are circular palindromes (i.e., bilaterally symmetric bracelets). Hence, there are 30-24=6 bilaterally asymmetric 8-hoops using up to 2 colors. They are the following: 01001111, 01000111, 01000011, 00101011, 00110111 and 11001000. (To view these 6 asymmetric bracelets, the 0's and 1's must be placed on the vertices of a regular octagon inscribed in a circle as it is done in Fig. 4 on p. 379 in Williamson (1972), where 0 is replaced by a and 1 by b.)

%t Drop[#, 2] &@ CoefficientList[Series[3 (7 x^4 + 82 x^3 + 237 x^2 + 92 x + 2) (x + 1) x^2/(1 - x)^9, {x, 0, 24}], x] (* _Michael De Vlieger_, Dec 02 2017 *)

%Y Cf. A019583, A054622, A060560, A081720, A119963, A210699, A210766, A210768, A295925, A292200.

%K nonn,easy

%O 2,1

%A _Petros Hadjicostas_, Nov 30 2017